have frequent diarrhea and have seen a doctor. I could be out with friends or on a date and all of a sudden it hits me. I am so embarrassed when I have to tell them I have to use the bathroom right away. I have had just about all the tests done and everything comes up negative. My doctor thinks it may be physiological . The problem is not about my head, but another part of my body. I have become scared now to start a relationship, fearing that my diarrhea will scare them away. One time I was at my girlfriends apartment and it hit me, I used her bathroom. The odor I left took your breath away. After that our relationship went down the toilet so to speak.
I have heard eating pumpkin will firm up stools and prevent diarrhea, anyone else hear of this. I also eat yogurt. Another doctor said I might have IBS. Need help fast..