
Undecided, when is a good time to have a baby??

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I have two questions.So, I am 23 and I want a baby really bad but really scared to be in labor. My fiance and I have good jobs and are both going to school. We will be finishing next year with school. The only thing stoping me is that he already has a 3 year old boy going on 4 in January. But, we dont have the boy until the weekend and only weekends, court order. So, when is a good time to have a baby?

Girls, does being in labor really hurt the way they say it does??? Im really scared of going into labor.




  1. I would wait until you are out of school. Babies take a lot of work, time, effort, money etc, and being pregnant can be really really draining. Going into labor would definitely hurt, but I don't think pain medication is necessarily a bad thing.

  2. Right firstly it doesnt sound like the best time finish school is my advice. But secondly I'm getting really pi**ed off with people like Evelyn recommending to have drugs never mind an epidural??!!!! i'm sorry, have women not been having babies naturally for thousands of years? Only in the last century have women decided to take painrelief. This gets passed through to your tiny precious little bundle. I had my first baby a little girl 3 months ago and had no painrelief even though the midwife kept pushing for me to have gas and air. Yeah it was painful but there are different types of pain and it was bearable or I would have accepted the gas and air. But when you do get pregnant I'm confident that you will want the best for that little person inside you. I too had a very intense labour with no breaks but when you are so excited about the end result you can hack the pain. If you are so scared you should seriously think about hypnobirthing (no hypnosis involved). Please consider alternatives and dont listen to people. My friends told me "oh you'll be screaming for an epidural". Yeah, whatever.....

  3. I think you should wait until you are done with school. A baby will take up all your time and you will want to be with it as much as possible. As for pain in labor it is different for everyone. I just had my baby 8weeks ago and  the pain is so worth it. It was painful but i really do recommend you get the epidural if you can. Labor is really exhausting and by the time its time for you too push you need to have as much energy as possible and without the epidural it's really hard to have the energy you need. You can have really close contraction like i did and not have time for a break so you get so exhausted (this was before the epidural) after the epidural it went really smooth i pushed for about 45min and it went by so fast. I was at the hospital for a total of 6hrs but at home for 3hrs so my total labor was 9hrs for my first child. I do really recommend you work out as much as possible before/during your pregnancy because it will make labor go by so much smoother.

    Good Luck!

  4. Sounds like you want one now... as long as your man's in for it, go for it!  Do what you want. Don't base your life on someone else's.

  5. go for it.

    you're not too young or too old.

  6. From what i have learned about labor is its not what you see on TV. They do have meds to help with the pain. When is the good time is a question that can never be answered if you wait till you have money you will always find something you want NOW instead of saving for a baby and the unimaginable happens so you can be ready and then things fall apart (lol thats what happened to me had a good paying job and lost it aftr I found out I was pregnant) You will be finishing school next year i would wait til then just so you do finish (not saying you wont but if you get prego and 5 months in you end up on bed rest school will have to wait. But if you two are ready just start having fun and dont worry about if it happens. If you have s*x to get pregnant it loses its fun. Just have fun and if it happens it happens. GL  

  7. labor dont hurt unless you want it naturally and go for it if its both what you want!

  8. I'll be honest-it hurts like h**l. You get to a point you just want to say 'right thats it, i give up, i'm going home' and at that point, thats right when your baby will be born. But you know what? I've done it 3 times now and it was worth it every d**n time!!!

    As for a good time-you should finish school then talk to your fiance. Get married first as it will be a lot easier to enjoy your wedding day if youre not breastfeeding (take it from expereience lol!).

    Good luck and enjoy the practicing for trying!!!

  9. Heya

    Well firstly , i would wait til next year and have finished school fully. next , yeah labours ment to hurt but if it was so bad , do you really think all these 2nd time mothers would go through it again, and again , and again. im 17 and ive got 13 weeks left yet. im scared but i know tha the end result will be so worth it.

    =] x*x

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