
Undecided about blood test screening for Downs Syndrome...?

by Guest62469  |  earlier

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I'm almost 16 weeks and the option to have the blood test to screen for downs etc is this week. I'm just undecided as to have the tests. Here in the UK they do the blood tests then let you know if high or low risk. If high risk you then have the amniocenteses, which obviously comes with a risk of miscarriage.

Just wondered what you guys decided on. I know it's a very personal decision and I'm really torn right now. I'm not too afraid of the outcome of the blood test but I really don't want to take the risk of miscarriage with the amnio. I know at my first hospital appointment the midwife suggested if I couldn't go ahead with an amnio then not to take the blood test as if they came back high risk it would mean a pregnancy of worry, which I know she is right.

I'm just worried that as a mum to be, I should really be checking that all is well with my baby, but then even if downs was a possibility I don't think I would go through with a termination so is there any point in the tests??

I'm not really after any right or wrong answers just your opinion and what you decided to do, also what were the outcomes?





  1. For us, our feelings were exactly the same as the first answerer, Jill P.

    We would love a child, come what may. We were mature and prepared. There are things that can come up anyway, things that there aren't tests for - so we had discussed this in regard to anything adverse just in case it occurred.

    Wish you luck :)

  2. I am going on 16 weeks.  My doc asked me to make this decision before my next appt.

    I have decided on no.  Not because I would never abort or because I don't want to know, but because I know that if anything came up questionable I would NOT have the amnio.  

    In addition I don't have any risk factors.

    Thanks for asking this cuz I was also wondering what other ppl think.

  3. I did the test for my unborn child just so I would know what I need to be ready for not that I would abort it, If it has it then its fine with me I will still love my baby no matter what...

  4. I chose not to have the AFP test because

    a. I'm not considered high risk

    b. I would keep the baby regardless

    I can understand why some people would want to find out, but for me it wasn't worth the worry of what-if's between the time of having the AFP and then having the amnio.  Plus, I really don't think I could bear having an amniocentesis done!

  5. Personally, like you said it doesn't matter you're having the baby any so why cause yourself extra worry.

    That was my decision.  I couldn't see taking the test and having it come back high risk then worrying about it.  When there was nothing I could do anyway.  It's in Gods hands for he knew us all before we were even formed.  

  6. I am 24 weeks pregnant and i chose not to have the test..i made the same decision with my first son too. My reasons were that if it came out high chance, i would not risk any pregnancy by having an amnio, and secondly what ever child i have been blessed with, downs or not i would live him more than no reason for the test! hope this helps x

  7. I am pregnant with #3 and we have declined this test with each child.  You already said you would not terminate the pregnancy if the test came back positive, so in that case I would not do the test.  That is the way we looked at it.  The only way I would probably have the test done is if you are over the age of 35.  That is when it is more of a risk.  My sister had the test done, and they told her that her child was at very high risk of having down syndrome.....we then went the rest of the pregnancy thinking this child had down syndrome and preparing ourselves and everyone else, the baby was born very healthy with no down syndrome!!  Which was really good, but made for a long pregnancy with lots of worrying....which is not what you need in your pregnancy.  My opinion is to NOT have the test done!!  You will love your baby either way!!

  8. I did it with my first but second time round we decided not to. After having a child I knew that abortion wouldn't be an option even if it were possible the baby would be downs, so we figured there was no point.

  9. The question is do you have any of the factors that may cause them to think you need a amino? Like are you over 34, is the father over 30, does it run in your family? If those are not factors in your life you can chose to not have them. But weight your options if either of you have down syndrome in your family you may need to have the test.  

  10. If it doesn't matter to you - I wouldn't take the test. Once you see your baby if he/she does have any health problems you will already be so in love with them you will deal with it, and be stronger. Getting upset during your pregnancy could hurt your baby more than dealing with it after wards. I didn't get any screenings with my twin boys they both were preemie, but healthy.

    Good Luck, and I wish you a happy healthy pregnancy.

  11. I had the test done, just so that I could be prepared in the event of something being wrong. But, as it turned out, it was a relief to me, because our chances are slim to none, according to the test results. Best of luck to you!

    EDIT: The main reason that I had it done is that I'm now 36 years old, the father is 45 and that increases our risk. I would have never aborted my child, no matter what I found out.

  12. I live in Canada and they also do that test here.  I refused it because the results are only 40% accurate. Alot of times it can show there is a possibility of down syndrome when your baby is fine.  For me, I would never had terminated the pregnancy so I didn't want to know.  I am a high strung person as it is and I figured if it came out positive, that the stress would do more harm than anything.

  13. For me I decided not to have the blood test as I knew that if it said I was high risk of having a baby with Downs Syndrome there would be no way I would take the risk of the amniocenteses. It took me ages to decide about it but I can honestly say that I would love the baby no less if she was born with Down Syndrome so there was no point in worrying about it.  

  14. I had my first ultrasound on the 20th of August... I was 12 weeks pregnant.  They checked the fluid on the back of the baby's neck and gave me blood work (routine).  I guess I will find out on the 8th if everything came back good.  I don't think I would get the amnio either.  If it doesn't matter to you one way or the other, then don't get it done.  

    Good luck!

  15. We didn't test for Downs Syndrome when I was pregnant with my son (he's 2 1/2 now) for a few reasons. I didn't think that the risk amniocenteses brings was worth just checking for something we would find out when he was born anyways. Amniocenteses can sometimes cause miscarriage, or other complications, and I just wanted to make sure that as his mom I was doing my best to keep him safe and healthy. When he was born, we were going to find out if he was healthy or if he was not, and they do a series of tests on newborns anyways. He was born totally perfect, no problems, and I feel safe knowing that I didn't do something to risk his life just to find out earlier if he had Downs Syndrome. I would understand testing while in-utero if it was something that could potentially harm ME, as the carrying mother, or could potentially harm HIM, as the baby, while in the uterus, but other than that I didn't see a reason.

    We're doing the same thing this time - I'm due October 25th - we're not testing for it, and we're waiting to find out when she's born. I don't need to know before! It's not going to make me love my baby any less, and we'll have time to prepare if she does have Downs.

    I think what is the point of the test if you are going to have your baby anyways, just wait until he or she arrives to find out. Unless you are planning on aborting your baby, what is the point of risking their life to find out something that you will know later?

    Also it's something to consider if you HAVE Downs Syndrome in your family tree somewhere - my husband and I don't have any genetic links to Downs so we weren't worried about it. However, if you have a sibling or a parent, then you have a higher risk so it could be something you may want to check for. This is why it's always a very personal reason to check.

  16. I would say the only reason to do it is if you have risk factors. If you don't plan on terminating it, I wouldn't do the tests anyway. Imagine if you DO do it and find out that your baby has a high chance for downs...If you don't want to terminate it, it will just cause you worry for the next few months. It's not worth the stress.

  17. i never took these tests for all 3 of my pregnancies. if it turns out positive, that would mean months of wondering and worrying, when you cant do anything about it while they are inside of you anyways. it brings on unnecessary stress that is not good. i would rather wait, and pray for a healthy baby

  18. Hi there i done the test with both my children, I was afraid of the outcome as well but i decided i would rather know if there was a high risk but if there was i wouldn't have an amnio. with both kids it was low risk

    I hope you make the right desicion for you

    Good luck and Congrats!

  19. My husband and I opted out of all genetic testing for the shear fact that I really don't care whether she has any of it or not.

    We did end up doing one round of testing for Cystic Fibrosis because she showed early signs during an ultrasound. Turned out I'm a carrier for the disease, but my husband is not. All we had to do was have our blood drawn. We have decided against any further testing such as amniocentesis.  

  20. I personally chose not to have the blood test because I knew whatever the results I would not want to have the amniocentesis, so really I would have been pointless and just got me worried.

    It's all down to the individual and only you can make that decision.

    Good Luck

  21. Maybe your baby has down syndrome, maybe it does not. Amnio does come with risks, and if you're keeping the baby either way, there's no reason to go through the amnio unless your doctor suspects something else, but just please read up and learn about Down's syndrome just in the unfortunate chance that your baby may have this problem, so that you can be prepared.

  22. I was in your situation with my 1st baby in 2006. (And I'm pregnant again now! What a blessing!) In short, my husband and I had finally decided not to undergo any screening for Down Syndrome, etc. considering the following: 1) We couldn't take the procedure's risks, i.e., miscarriage; 2) the negative result would only bring us useless worries and anxieties; 3) if the result was negative, they could not do anything about the condition of the baby anyway, though that could be useful for future treatments; 4) there are "negative" negative or positive results anyway, i.e., my friend who was also pregnant at that time had been told to have a risk of having a Down Syndrome baby after some screening, but the baby was perfectly fine at birth!; 5) we're not giving up our baby anyway, whatever his/her condition would be; 6) our baby is a gift from GOD; whatever he/she's going to be, he/she's the perfect one from HIM, and he/she's been given to us in GOD's perfect timing. I hope that this helps you. Thank you very much.

  23. This is the heartache that most all discussions of abortion omit.  You, your family, and your doctor are the ones who need to decide and it is very, very difficult with great long-term consequences no matter what you decide to do.  Me? I'd want to know and face THE most difficult question and answer it.

  24. My wife and I decided not to do the test, they are not that accurate, have a high false positive and even if we knew our child "had" downs, we would have continued with the pregnancy. No real point to the test.

  25. ( its important yo have the test done i have a child who has special needs which is hard work and down syndrome children are supposed to be even harder

    down syndrome children/babies are a lot of hard work and stress, loads of hospital appointments and tests and heart ache but are rewarding to have


  26. I would do it, especially if there are risk factors.

  27. I am 39 years old and my husband is 43.  It took us over a year to finally get pregnant and we feel we are so blessed.  I am now 19 weeks along.  I sometimes think I shouldn't have taken the Quadruple test because now I am so worried.  I guess with my age the normal ratio of Down Syndrome is 1:97.  Well, after my blood test, they found me at a higher risk at 1:37.  Great.  Now we (or actually mostly I) am so worried.  I opted out of getting the amnio due to fear of losing the baby.  We believe this baby is a gift from God and we will love it no matter what.  Of course, there is such a worry in my mind.... I want to know, just to prepare, but I am not about to put my baby at risk like that.  Maybe at my next ultrasound (week 22)  I will request they do a nuchal translucency screen and also measure the nasal bone.  

    If I had to do it over again.....I would NOT have taken the blood test and just accepted the risk of age only.  May God just give us our Katie May, no matter what, she is our little angel.

  28. I was faced with a similar dilemma. When i was pregnant my baby had a 1 in 4 chance of having sickle cell disease (as will all my future pregnancy) as both my husband and myself have the sickle cell genes.

    I was offered the choice to have an amniocentesis so i could know if my baby would be a sufferer or simply a carrier of the gene however i chose not to. My reason for this was because the amniocentesis has a risk (granted a small one) of miscarriage and also i would never consider aborting a child, so i thought why should i bother doing a risky procedure when my baby could be tested with no risk after he was born.

    As it happens my son is a healthy boy although he does carry the sickle cell gene.

  29. we chose not to have any test as god would chose us a perfect child for are family  ..... we have a son with mild autism not found on test ... son a\with  down syndrome are special gift and a son with mild cerebral palsy born prem and are liofe is good we would not change for any other children as for a test  

  30. Have your blood tests and if you are in the high risk group go on with amniocentesis.One Sarah Palin is enough for the world.

  31. I know exactly how you are feeling.  

    I did have this test, for downs and spina bifida.  I was neg for spina bifida but high risk for downs, literally just outside of what they would class as "normal".  I had the amnio.  

    I won't lie and tell you it is pleasant, and it's your own worry about the procedure that feeds this.  They scan you while they do this, so the baby is safe from the needle.  However, if you check with your hospital, you will probably find that there is something like a 1/500 rate of miscarriage, and those that do, would most likely have lost the baby anyway.  You need to rest afterwards, they don't advise total bedrest, but they do advise you go home and sleep or rest straight after.

    I felt the same about not being able to terminate a baby either, but then, as my baby does not have Downs, I don't know what I would have decided if it was.  Also, it would help me to read up and prepare for life looking after a downs child, if I did carry on with the pregnancy.

    I wish you the best of luck in whatever you decide.

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