I'm almost 16 weeks and the option to have the blood test to screen for downs etc is this week. I'm just undecided as to have the tests. Here in the UK they do the blood tests then let you know if high or low risk. If high risk you then have the amniocenteses, which obviously comes with a risk of miscarriage.
Just wondered what you guys decided on. I know it's a very personal decision and I'm really torn right now. I'm not too afraid of the outcome of the blood test but I really don't want to take the risk of miscarriage with the amnio. I know at my first hospital appointment the midwife suggested if I couldn't go ahead with an amnio then not to take the blood test as if they came back high risk it would mean a pregnancy of worry, which I know she is right.
I'm just worried that as a mum to be, I should really be checking that all is well with my baby, but then even if downs was a possibility I don't think I would go through with a termination so is there any point in the tests??
I'm not really after any right or wrong answers just your opinion and what you decided to do, also what were the outcomes?