
Under age s*x or playing alright..?

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i am wondering cause i am 13 years old this may sound pathedic but thesse girl will be on me wanting to do stuff like fingering and feeling and s*x but i dont no if its alright will u let me no cause i am confused......




  1. When in doubt, don't!  Unfortunately, it seems kids from the age of about 13 - 18 function on brain stem and hormones!  There are a lot of physical and emotional changes taking place and it can take awhile to adjust to those changes and learn how to control urges you might experience.

    Things like fingering lead to other things so you're better to stay right away from it.  It's almost a guarantee that any girl you like at 13 will NOT be the one you end up with as your life partner.  Don't be in a hurry to be experimenting with s*x related things........there's lots of years ahead of you for that and if you wait, it will be more meaningful and you won't have any regrets.  

    Don't be confused.  Put a stop to it now.

    And by the don't sound pathetic at all.  You sound very wise and even at 13, you seem to have a gut feeling inside you that you're not ready for this.  Don't fight and go against that gut feeling.  Learn to listen to it and it will never steer you wrong!

  2. Don't do anything.

    You don't want to be a 14 year old father.

    Now do you?

  3. i would wait till you are 18 or more before taking that kind of thing into your life.

  4. omg! sorry but she's a s**t. 13!!!!! omg.

    no it's not okay.

    wait until u're in 11th or 12th grade or later.

  5. stay away from them and find people that have more respect for themselves.

  6. You know that u shouldnt be letting them do it but when u let them do it u are getting confused. So dont let them do it to u. s*x for a 13 year old is not alright. Know what i mean !

  7. Oh jeez, thirteen?

    Nooo way, mann.

    I was fourteen when I lost it, that doesn't make a me a s**t or anything, that just makes me a human.

    I made a mistake,

    and I think its foolish for either of you to engage in things like that.

    You'll regret it later on.

  8. u should really ignore them

    they have issuse that need serious attention

    just wait for the right person and the right time

    like after college so you'll know you'll be able to

    get a good job and support yourself and whoever else

    so just wait and dont do anything

    good luck

    -matt ;)

  9. you should do it, we are humans and should satisfy our own sexual desires, we're gonna die anyway so enjoy life while you can, because after you die thats it

    get it while you still can!

  10. kid your 13 wait a few years...alright!!

    plus if you really have to ask then you're probably not old enough to be doing those things anyways!!!

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