
Under both my shoulder blades hurt ONLY when i move or stretch them?

by Guest45445  |  earlier

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Under both my shoulder baldes hurt ONLY when i move or stretch them?

Any ideas

And could this be a heart problem?

I dont think so b.c it only hurts when i stretch them or move them

I am on the computer alot my mom thinks its my posture.




  1. I really don't think it could be a heart problem. You probably just have a lot of tension in those muscles. This could be from bad posture, or just everyday routines you may not think about. I'm not sure which muscles you're talking about, but its probably your rhomboids because pain there is very common. Work on your posture and see your massage therapist for more help! Or if you are really concerned, your doctor. It doesn't sound like anything unusual to me, though.

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