Hello, 4 yrs ago my father leased 3 new Toyotas, right now there is about 8 months to go. After finishing college I started to get into the family finances more (and got clinically depressed) and read over the lease contracts. It turns out we've been significantly underinsured almost for the entire span of the lease. The lease requires 100K/300K personal injury and 50K property damage, while our current insurance is 15K/30K and 15K property damage. I'd like some advice on what penalties if any I can expect in 8 months when the lease is up. Does the lease company check insurance coverage after the fact?? All 3 cars have had insurance claims already during the 4 yrs, one was almost totalled at $12K damage, but the insurance has always covered everything sufficiently. Should I even bother to get the lease-required insurance if I only have 1 6-months term left?? It would increase our payments astronomically and we're barelly surviving as it is.