
Under international law if a plane crashes in the middle of the Atlantic, where would the survivors be buried?

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Under international law if a plane crashes in the middle of the Atlantic, where would the survivors be buried?




  1. most likely at the bottom of the ocean ?!

  2. Its highly unlikely anyone would survive a plane crashing / falling into the sea! In the event the pilot could ditch the plane - as he's trained to do - this allowing passengers to survive and take to the lifeboats. Those racing to the rescue probably finding survivors, if there are any and bring them home. I.e, survivors aren't buried - they are rescued.

    Maritime international law, as I understand it, requires all ships in the vicinity of such incidents to immediately proceed to the crash / ditch point and render all possible help! Also, aircraft in the area are obliged to investigate and send position of the downed plane.

  3. Nowhere, why would you bury survivors?

  4. At Sea

    You got me!!! Please give me best answer since I answered first. You were clearly looking for the worse answer right???

  5. well as the other answers have mentioned u dont bury survivors, u bury the dead. now in the case of the dead if the bodies are recovered international law dont mean squat. they would be buried as if they crashed their car

  6. If at all the bodies are found they are usually handed over to their relatives to perform rituals as per their religious belief.

  7. Oh, you silly! You wouldn't bury the SURVIVORS!

  8. Nice one, but old.  How about if a rooster lays an egg on top of a house, what side would the egg roll down?

  9. Better not try to bury the SURVIVORS!

  10. you wouldnt bury them but simply allow them to catch bricks from the rescue ships thereby taking them down below the waves and a burial at sea.......

    survivors an old joke...

  11. are you blonde under that brunette wig???

  12. Survivors aren't buried. Who is buried in Grant's Tomb?

  13. Probably in Davy Joneses locker !

  14. I believe you mean where would the remains be buried? If there is a crash in the middle of the ocean, the odds of finding the remains would be minimal. However, still a good question.

    Since the passengers would be international, the country of national origin would be able to stake claim. They would be able to bury any remains at home, or where the family or next of kin wishes. For example if I'm Canadian traveling on Air France from Paris to Toronto and the plane crashes, my family in Canada would still have the "rights" to any recoverable remains.

  15. I don't know about you but I don't bury survivors. But hey good luck with that one

  16. Can you tell me just what it is your smoking, drinking or injecting ? I want to be able to avoid it at all costs...thanks.

  17. You wouldn't bury the survivors

  18. To heck with international law. I'm almost sure they'll object to whatever place you choose.

  19. their native countries.

  20. Why would you bury the survivors???  Did they do something wrong???  Do you not like them???

    All those that did NOT survive would be buried in the country they are citizens of unless other arrangements are made.

  21. The survivors would not be buried, because they survived, they would go on to live lives wherever.

    The bodies would end up in the ocean unless recovered, then it would depend on which nations were doing the rescue recovery work and the wishes of the relatives, assuming the bodies could be identified.

  22. survivors would not have be burried you silly girl you, the survivors wouold be alive and kicking good luck with your next question

  23. you dont bury survivors

  24. They would be buried in a deep ocean trench, although in reality would be on a small, impossible to find island with a group of Eastern-philosophizing hippies dedicated to killing them.


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