
Under these circumstances, who's got a better chance of survival ? a modern day person or a Cavemen ?

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Who's got a better chance of survival?

1) A caveman completely locked in a home with burglar bars, a working telephone, television,high speed internet access, sealed can food, and only water source would be from the water hose.


2) A modern day computer specialist trapped in a cave in the Amazon with no matches, no water, no cooked food,and no computer, no phone, just trapped in a cave or forest in the Amazon. With absolutely nothing.




  1. well none cause they both dumb but a survival person yer!!!

  2. what kind of modern man? some of them do survival training. if this one doesn't, then probably the cavemen as he has an instinct, and probably doesn't mind breaking down a door or two...

  3. Well, if the home has burglar bars, I can infer that the home is in a large city, fairly close to neighbors, and considering we have public services like police and paramedics, I think someone would probably discover the caveman pretty quickly while he's making quite a racket freaking out in a locked home.

    The modern man on the other hand, has no access to any resources if trapped in a cave. You have to have at the very least, water. You can survive without food for quite a while, but without water for only a few days. If modern man was trapped in a forest, I think he could survive quite well, assuming he was willing to hunt, gather wood, fashion tools, bang some rocks together to make sparks for a fire, etc. Just depends on the resources at your disposal. This also assumes you're not eaten by a predator, and you don't catch malaria or some other disease from mosquitoes.

    My money would go on the caveman though. Most people I know have almost no survival skills. I might do ok, but I also grew up in the woods :-)

  4. The modern day man because for the caveman, the water hose is outside, and he's locked inside.

  5. Caveman.

    He actually posseses survival isntinct and ingenuity.

    The Modern day man does not.

  6. Caveman.

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