
Under water Hauntings....Can they happen???

by Guest44682  |  earlier

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Just a thought ive been pondering over..We all know of haunted locations where ghosts seem to attach themselves to, or refuse to leave...Ever wonder what happens when a ship goes down killing most or all on board..Take the Titanic for example...Surely it wouldnt be any different to a group of people dying in a building....Its just a thought!!!





    Yes it can happen. I think that is where the aliens live. And why not? We know more about the surface of the moon and Mars than we know about our oceans and lake bottoms and middles. The Bermuda Triangle and the one near could there not be something to these phenomona?

  2. I am sure that if ghosts are really attached to the sea or ocean, they will want to manifest in the water.  Hey, they are no longer living so they really aren't apart of the earth.  They can go wherever they want.

  3. i really think so.. my mum 's friend went swimming at a pool once.. everything was perfectly normal.. she started swimming.. she came up for air and saw a spirit ( she can see spirits)

  4. If the laws of phsyics can be broken on dry ground I don't see why they can't under water.

  5. If ghosts exist, why would they care if they were on the green earth, inside molten lava, in the cold vacuum of outer space or in the depths of the sea?  They aren't physical beings. If a ghost can haunt, it can haunt anywhere.

  6. that's good

    they return back to mother

    and their body also.

  7. OK three theories.

    First, surviving spirit: If spirits/ghost aren't physical and don't require air why couldn't  they be anywhere they chose, so yes.

    Second, impressions are recorded into the material (brick, steel, etc.) and can be tuned into by people that are sensitive to these impressions, so again yes.

    Third, the recording is in the atmosphere space/time (or collective unconscious) is again is accessible to certain people (say via ESP) so as long as there is a human to pick up the information then again yes.

    Of course they are just theories and as someone already posted an underwater haunting investigation would be very difficult.


  8. I never heard of that, interesting question.

  9. Jannet had a Water Fairy that followed her every where.

  10. I have heard of this on a special I saw on Discovery or National Geographic on Ghost Ships. There was this one case where scuba divers who visited the sunken remains of a ship heard strange noises.

  11. Its possible. If a ghost can be attached to a house because they died there or used to live there, why can't they be attached to the water if they drowned or were in a shipwreck. See ghosts and spirits will get attached to the location of there death fir some reason so like you said if a ship like the Titanic goes down, the ghosts of the passengers might still be holding on to the past or are unaware that they are dead.

  12. There are quite a few hauntings on ships (SP did one not so long ago) Senstives got music in the dance hall parts, and some cabins seemed occupied. I remember another person saw a ghost mechanic in an engine room.

    We aso know apparitions appear on different levels of ground - if the ground level has changed. This happens with roman soldiers a lot. Sometimes they are seen walking through cellars - that are underground.

    Divers have been spooked a few times - and we all  know of mermaids luring sailors to their deaths. The lady of the lake legend may also have it's roots here.

    Many sunken ships are left - for the dead. If they are brought up, their ghosts will probably haunt both areas.

    There is a type of ghost called a smoke ghost. This appears to rise from water - or land, take on a roughly human form, and is attracted to the living. Those who have been enveloped by this "smoke" - report extreem sadness and sucicidal thoughts - maybe of the spirit involved. It often leaves again quickly - back to the original spot - and dissapears down again.  This has led to the discovery of several bodies in the Chester waterways in the UK.

    So, yes - at all levels if you look.

  13. One of the US Army remote viewers wrote of being part of the team that RVed the PanAm explosion over Lockabe, Scotland intending to find the location of the bomb on board.  He/she described the passengers as many being hanging around up there lost and confused 20,000 feet above the ground.

    A lot of soul travelers worked that site for a long while trying to help those folks along.

    My guess would be if there are folk caught in an underwater situation they wouldn't be inside the vessel if it had any depth.  They'd be up nearer the surface where they actually drowned.

    I suppose an exception might be submariners who suffocated while the craft was resting on the sea-floor with the hull intact and died there.

  14. I don't think that would happen. I think the ghosts (if they exist) would haunt the "above water" location of which they died. For example, instead of haunting where the titanic lies, haunt the route the titanic took or the area where the iceberg was.

  15. Hmmmm...That's a GREAT question!! I'd hate to be a ghost underwater...but I don't see why it would be any different..if ghosts haunt the place where they died. But then, hospitals would be overcrowded with spirits and I don't think they are.But, you hear about people haunting jails and prisons...don't know why they'd want to stay there. Actually....a lot of the people died in the water..after they jumped off etc. If they're still there...I hope they're having a good time. But I don't see how they could..knowing they're separated from their loved ones who left in lifeboats or drowned in the water. Maybe they all got back together. I wonder if that lady ever heard from her boyfriend...they were so close. (if that part of the story was even true)

    Edit..nuff has a good point! There have been a lot of sailor stories and movies...Don't know if they're true..but must have been based on SOMETHING..or someone's experiences.

    Edit..This might interest some of you...

  16. It would be hard to conduct an investigation.

    You couldn't pick up EVP's........weird moaning could very well be whales or other sea creatures.

    And with the water currents, it would be hard to show anything strange moving around.

  17. >there have been many reports by sailors over the centuries so yeah, why not. bermuda triangle, the devils triangle?

    edit: havent you ever gotten the creeps seeing the pics of the Titanic?

  18. I have been investigating claims of the paranormal for a long time.  I have been asked to properties under very unusual circumstances, but never an underwater one.  I can swim, so I'm thinking that it would be interesting to check it out, should the need arise.  I see no reason why a location underwater could not be haunted.  The first "what if" that comes to mind is the man made lakes.  Watersheds and reservoirs were built alot in the 1950s.  The land was purchased from people that certainly had place memories and at least one residual haunting.  The TVA built alot of dams and lakes...think about it.

  19. no cant happen because you cant breathe

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