
Under what circumstances are acts of violence legitimate as protest in a civilized society?

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Under what circumstances are acts of violence legitimate as protest in a civilized society?




  1. None.

  2. None..,

  3. Violent protest are never legitimate, period. If you are protesting the govt and receive no response then court is the next avenue. If you exhaust all legitimate avenues for relief the last course of action is to overthrow that govt. That is why you keep hearing me say that we need term limits for elected officials and all elected officials at all levels. Too many in Washington have made a career out of coddling special interest groups and being paid off..We have suffered greatly at the hands of Washington politicians and it's time to put a stop to it.

  4. When legitimate rights and freedoms are being trampled.

    Of course, in such circumstance we no longer meet the definition of 'civilized' society.

    Muslims everywhere are a case for how not to do it.

    The demise of the Romanian government a few years ago is a good case example.

  5. This answer is actually found in the Declaration of Independence. That when governing becomes tyranny, true patriots should rise up and fight and throw off the current rule.

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