
Under what circumstances can the commander or chain of command inspect on-post housing?

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I am refering to the company there a regulation on this subject?




  1. Most times the Commander does not get involved until the Housing Office has been notified. Using situations like child neglect or an very unkept house can cause the Commander to do an unannounced inspection along with the Housing personnel. I've worked in military housing for years and the circumstances very. One instance was a house that had a bad smell coming from it, which was reported by the mailman. Come to find out, they were pilling bags and bags of trash in the backyard and inside the house there were p**p on the walls, dirty clothes and dirty dishes everywhere! That's definitely one instance, when the Commander gets involved.

  2. The base commander can order the inspection of an on base residence if there is ample reason to believe that something illegal is going on from the house, or, more broadly and more often cited as the reason, that an unsafe condition presents itself - such as asbestos or faulty wiring in the walls.   Normally a housing inspection is scheduled on a regular basis - to insure the upkeep of the house and the normal maintenance that falls under the responsibility of the housing maintenance department.   So the answer is yes, the commander can inspect whenever he chooses, however there must be a reasonable excuse for it and it must take into consideration a reasonable expectation of privacy for the resident.  Hope this helps - John

  3. they do not need a reason they can and will inspect just because they want to.  

  4. Under any circumstances. They do not have to have a reason to inspect on post housing. Sometimes its planned, sometimes its random. If they suspect you of something, they can inspect.  

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