
Under what circumstances does the law permit you killing someone else?

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For example: Someone breaks into your house.

Are there any other cicumstances?




  1. no, you can only kill someone when they threaten to hurt you for self-defense. And when you hurt them back, you cannot deal more pain/damage to the person ththanat he/she would have done to you. (you can't kill someone if they take a foamball and throw it at your head). Also, a warning must be given i think. Main point is, you can kill some1 only if they try to kil you, you can't deal more damage to the person than he would have done to you. If you do, you get in trouble,

  2. Self defense, but that only applies in some states. In some states you are legally required to retreat from an attacker.

  3. The law does not "permit" you to kill anyone and does not "permit" you to kill anyone under any circumstances either.

  4. No killing is legal...

  5. self defense is always a good excuse

  6. if some one is in danger of serious bodily harm.  There was a case where a police man was getting beat up by a man in my city.  Another man came and had a gun, and told the man to stop hitting the cop.  When the man didn't stop hitting the policeman, the man shot and killed the attacker.  He was cleared of all charges.

  7. -Check your local laws and ordinances, the following may not pertain to your, city, state, or principality-

    It is legal to use deadly force in the following circumstances

    -A person/persons have forcfully entered your home.

    -If you feel as if you life, or someone else's life is in immediate danger. (pointing a gun at you or your child)

    -A person/persons are vandalising, stealing, or otherwise destroying your property.

    Now these are a rough summation of the instances I've researched.  If you are planning to take the law into your own hands and enact some vigilanty justice, I would strongly suggest against that.

    Even though the law permits the use of deadly force in limited instances, it is still treated as a homicide investigation until it can be determined beyond a reasonable doubt that you were defending yourself, someone else, or your property.

  8. Self defense works for some.

    Police officers are authorized in certain situations to use deadly force

    the death penalty

  9. self defense or protecting someone from an attack is the only legal way to kill someone.

  10. self defense, if the guy or girl your about tokill is about to kill someone you love, I'm sure the cops or any other law person would kinda understand why you killed, other than that, killing is ILLEGAL.......

  11. The law never PERMITS you to, but you may not be charged with murder if you kill someone who is trying to kill you. (Self defense)

  12. self defense .........and be prepared to prove yours or anothers life was in danger

  13. Self defense or defense of another.  Some states are pretty lenient about killing someone to protect your property.

  14. Only in certain states does trespassing permit murder, such as Texas. If the person breaking in is clearly carrying a weapon, then yes, it would be considered self-defense.

  15. Only if your life is being threatened by someone who is breaking in.And then a court hearing determines if it was "Justifiable" homocide;in self defense.

  16. It's self defense, it's totally legal. Breaking an entery is a serious offense. If someone is putting your life in jeopardy, blow their brains out.

  17. Defense of yourself or another where a life is in imminent danger or you have reason to believe it is in danger.

  18. someone tries to rape, rob, kill, molest your children, pillage ur village, or in other words harm u

    remove the molest ur children- thats not an event in which you can kill (but ur kids can)

  19. Self defense.

  20. Probably under self-defense, but if you had the intention of killing somebody and later claimed it in self-defense they'd be able to tell easily. Yay for forensic science! add to it...the self-defense needs to be exhausted. Like first you have to run away, and it they caught you, you have to kick them in the nuts, and if they had steel nuts, pluck their eyes out, and if that didn't work then I think it would work lol

  21. county hangmen  lethal injector

  22. For it to be legal for u to kill them they have to come into ur house and physical try to harm u otherwise u wont be acting in selfdefense

  23. Last time i checked it was impolite to kill someone else. I think i would be mad if someone killed me. I would haunt them.

  24. self defence and double jeopardy, which is a law that protects you from being tried for a crime you have already been punished for. So say you are found guilty for killing someone, but it was a set up and they are really alive... well, after you serve your time you can go and kill that person for real and you would be protected under the "double jeopardy" law.

  25. The laws vary somewhat from one state to another. In most states you need to show that it was an act of self-defense or the defense of someone else. Some states also require that you have no option but to kill that person. This means in those states if you had a reasonable chance to escape, but instead shot someone, you are likely to get charged. Some states (like Texas) take it to the opposite extreme. You are legally permitted to kill anyone breaking into your home whether you think you are in danger or not. So if you catch an unarmed man stealing your stuff, you can kill them in texas. This is called a castle doctrine.

    So really it comes down to what state you live in. I highly recommend you read up on your local and state laws to find out the specifics.

  26. Self-defense. If it can be proved that you were only killing to protect yourself or the others around you, it is permitted by law.

  27. uhmmm theres always self defense.

    Theres defending others (women, minor, senior, or whoever haha)

    And if you get knocked up and REALLY don't want the baby, you could always kill it too.

  28. depends on your state. in any state, if you're in you house and someone unlawfully enters and you retreat to the best of your ability and you believe you are in danger of suffering great bodily harm or death then you can use equal force. although, most states will allow you to use excessive force in that situation. a couple less states will let you use excessive force as soon as someone makes unlawfull entry or if you are trying to prevent unlawful entry (ex. someones busted your door down and they're about to come in and you shoot them). and in states that have passed the castle doctrine, a bill recently pushed by the NRA, you can defend yourself wherever you have a right to be. but it REALLY depends on your state.

  29. Self defense, trespassing (in many states, but only with a verbal warning), death penalty, or soldiers in combat.... dont think anyone mentioned that.

  30. self defense.

    why ? got a plan ?

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