
Under what circumstances should you never attempt to pass a car ahead of you?

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Under what circumstances should you never attempt to pass a car ahead of you?




  1. Besides all the "unlawful passing" reasons you see, here, consider this:

    If the driver in front of you is driving erratically and with limited control, you would best stay behind him where you could keep an eye on his behavior and keep out of his way.

    If you think that it would be safer for you to get by him as quickly as possible, you may be in for a nasty surprise if he veers into you while you are passing, or, just as bad, if he rams you from behind after your've passed.

  2. Car ahead is on fire, or shooting at you.

  3. When you do not know if the pass can be completed safely.

    Double lines, single solid lines on your side, rail road crossings and such are a few places where you do not have any degree of certainty of passing safely. But that is not the question.

  4. Never pass on curves.

    Never pass at intersections.

    Never pass when crossing railroad tracks.

    Never pass at night when you can't see far ahead of you.

    Never pass on double yellow lines.

    To give you an idea of how much time and distance, if you are traveling at 50 mph and passing someone going 40 mph, you will need about 10 seconds and 736 feet to safely complete the pass.

  5. When the car ahead of you is a police car with it's lights and siren on.

  6. double yellow line, upcoming curve, upcoming hill or going over a hill, car in front of you is serving over center line, oncoming car too close to pass, on a bridge.

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