
Under what circumstances would you use the word 'rascal'?

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Under what circumstances would you use the word 'rascal'?




  1. Pudding

  2. Rascal Flatts?

  3. i love the little rascals

  4. Only if I was referring to the movie...ONLY.

  5. idk

  6. If by chance a guy held a gun to my head otherwise in no circumstances would I ever use the word rascal. Hold on, this was just a trick to get me to say or type rascal. You are indeed a rascal.

    Now cut it out.

  7. I don't use that word, now. I last said "rascal' when my children were young, mainly my sons & that was a while ago.

  8. He´s some badass rapper , innit?

  9. never, it's far too polite for me.

  10. With Dizzie

  11. Probably when referring to cute children who are testing the boundaries.:)

  12. Dave S or Shambo. :)

  13. That is the word I use on my kitty when he misbehaves !

  14. It's not a word that gets common usage anymore. I'd say anytime you're describing someone who's mischievous but playful. It's a notch down from "rogue." I've always seen it as a generally decent person who's nonetheless a bit of a troublemaker.

  15. When referring to my old Bedford van

  16. When making a sarcastic comment about  a child who is a monster!

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