
Under what conditions should you not attempt a pass on another vehicle?

by  |  earlier

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I need this answered for driver's training




  1. all clear ahead,behind,beside you, and passing lane open...

  2. No passing, where there is a sign saying "No Passing", where there are solid yellow or white lines between the lanes, on the shoulder of a highway (to the right of the solid white line),

    on a bridge or an overpass,

    or when you are approaching a hill,

    or whenever you can't see for about 500 ft.,

    when your vision is obscurred due to poor weather.

  3. on a two lane hwy that you cant foresee oncoming traffic!

  4. No passing on a two lane road when there's two solid yellow stripes separating the lanes, or when there's a dotted line on the other side, but a solid line on your side.

    I don't think you're supposed to pass on the right side of a vehicle at any time, since there's always a chance the person you're passing might want to make a right turn onto a side road.

    Hope this helps!

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