
Underactive thyroid and PCOS - unable to lose weight?

by Guest57829  |  earlier

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Regular walker, but hugely overweight. Diagnosed with UT and PCOS a year ago, but even with pills the weight is still not budging - looking at foods now, notice should leave soya milk alone .... what about rice milk as allergic to dairy milk!!?? Any other helpful advice really really needed. Getting really despondent now! :(

Thanks, Jane




  1. I have had a very under active thyroid for 8 years now....and I was 320 and a size 34 I am now 150 and a size 6...I am 5'10.

    See a dietitian...they are extremely knowledgeable about the 'secret' bad stuff in food.

    Shake up your walking routine, if you are breaking a sweat you doing it right...if you re not, then you need to increase.

    Find a support system.  I found very helpful.  It's mainly for people who have had bariatric surgery...but they also have forums for those who have not or do not want that.  Very good people on there.

    Most importantly...see your doctor.  In order for you to get any kind of benefit from your thyroid meds...your dosage needs to be correct.  Lifestyle changes (more exercising, eating differently) will affect how it metabolizes in your body.

    Good luck and I hope this helps some.


  2. East six small measl throutout the day rather then thee big ones....dont east after 6 pm ,,,,,,,and drink losts of water ....and NO juice or caffine then  exersise with Jack  

  3. my wife had the same exact problem, we tried everything before she tried thyromine, its an all natural supplement for underactive thyroid, she lost 37 pounds in less than two months and she is definitely more energetic, no side effects. you can learn more here

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