
Underage and cigarettes?

by  |  earlier

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Okay well one day I was curious and my friend and I smoked a cigarette and then I got a pack from her and the next day I smoked the entire pack. I couldn't get another one so that was that, I had no cravings anyway. Well that was a week or so ago and since then I've had a couple of dreams where I've been smoking and when I woke up I really felt like I had to have a cigarette but I have no way of getting any. The entire day I was chewing gum whenever I felt like I needed a cigarette. I have no ******* clue what to do, I have no way of getting cigarettes but the cravings won't go away.....




  1. smoking a pack a day is a bad idea.  if you smoke that much, you will age more quickly and within 5-10 years you'll look a lot older.  try to control yourself.

  2. Be strong and kick the habit before it takes over your life!


  3. keep with the gum, cigarettes are a very hard habit to break, ive been trying to quit for a long time

  4. Please, don't even is the worst thing you can do to yourself!!!

  5. nicotine patch and tell a grownup so they call help you get off the cigarettes

    if you will die

    that is the sad truth

  6. Well, it sounds like you are a real smoker now. See if you can get another pack from your friend. Or from your parents or grandparents. Those dreams will get worse and worse if you don't smoke. Soon you will be dreaming that you are breathing through a whole mouthful of cigarettes or a big giant one. In your dreams you will be doing it in front of people and they will be cheering you on!

    Welcome to the club, and good luck!

  7. Don't start that ****. I was a smoker for about 10 years, and i just finally was able to quit . You are young enough you can quit now, and not go through all the bouts of bronchitis and sinus infections that i had cause i was a heavy smoker. If you feel really addicted you could try homeopathic treatment that i used I think it was lobelia and nux vomica, ask someone at a health food store near you to see if they have someting like that, it really worked for me. Good luck, and remember the earlier you quit, the easier it will be. Blessings.

  8. Well besides the obvious that you shouldn't have done that in the first place, you should just stick to your gum, and fight the cravings. Eventually they will go away. Smoking is a terrible habit.

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