
Underage smoking dilemma !

by  |  earlier

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well.. i am underage and iv been smoking for the past 5months a couple a day but then my annual dentist appointment came through and my pal says the dentist can tell if you have smoked even if you have only smoked like 30 cigarettes is it true ?? x




  1. probably

  2. I'm not quite 18, i started smoking casually but alot on rare occasions, i found that if you keep your oral hygiene up to a good standard it will be hard for your dentist to notice anythings wrong.

    But hey, i don't do that **** anymore, its really bad for you man, and besides, chicks dig guys that don't smoke.

  3. yes just like doctors can tell if yu have had s*x, dentists can tell if yur smoking, or have smoked.  stop smoking. its so bad for yu,

  4. Well, it depends on your habbits. If you have only smoked thirty cigarettes in the course of your life, and you have excellent oral hygeine, it is not probable that he will really be able to notice. Your dental hygenist who actually cleans your teeth has a decent chance of knowing. When you smoke tar deposits occure in the regions of your teeth that are not easily reached. If you are worried about it, first, stop smoking it is a horrible and rather disghusting habbit..unless you are in france and then it can be hot, don't ask why it is just true. Secondly, practice excellent oral hygeine, brush, floss, mouthwash, twice a day (flossing only once). It will still be a risk, but that should minimize the liklihood of them finding any. Also, there are OTC mouthwashes from your local pharmacy that could likely help with removal of the smell, discoloration, and tartar.  

  5. Dentists don't get angry about it! That is a silly lie. Just keep brushing well at least twice a day. He probably won't say anything, but if he mentions stains on your teeth, say it must be from coffee, tea, and soft drinks. He can't tell the difference!

  6. Dentists don't care if you smoke or not. They just care if you can pay the bill.

  7. yes its true and most dentists get angry when you do stuff like that.Dude you shouldent smoke any way its crazy.

  8. Sometimes, but despite what some liar said he's unlikely to mention it or say anything to your parents. If you're still concerned, just go without for a few days and brush your teeth carefully before you go.

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