
Underground sprinkler system-Does anyone know where I can find troubleshooting tips?

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Does anyone know why there doesn't seem to be water flowing anywhere when we turn the sprinkler system on? The system is turned to "run" and the water valve is "on", yet we don't hear anything and the pressure valve isn't moving at all. It has worked for 5 summers now, but this time....nothing. Any help would be SOOOO appreciated!!!! Thanks!




  1. You can't test the system from the controller.  You need to locate the individual (or grouping) of electric valves.  Most likely the wires, solenoids, or valves are bad or simply need to be reconnected.  

    Once you have located these valves, you can manually activate them by turning the small plastic "bleed s***w" or partially unscrewing the solenoid (thing with 2 wires sticking out of it).  

    Once you have activated the valve you can then begin to fix individual sprinkler heads, nozzles, etc.  

    Close the valve (only hand tight) by s******g down the solenoid or bleed-s***w.  

    If the valve is not activating from the clock, the problem is:

    1) the wires are not connected correctly from the timer to the valve -or are cut along the way.  

    2) the timer is not being used correctly and must be programmed.  This involves going through the steps of: setting the time/date, setting individual valve run times (minutes), and setting which days you want them to come on.  If you don't have a START TIME programmed, the timer will not activate the valves.  

    3)the solenoid could be bad too- however this rarely the case.  

    4)the valve wire connections were not waterproof and therefore has shortened-out (damaged) the timer.

    You can do this and get the system running after a whole 5 years!  (Just don't let the sprinklers hit you!!!)

  2. Most places where you buy the system have brochures on how to install & maintain it. If not, try the web.

  3. google it

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