
Understanding EMO!?????

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ok now that i've got your attention.. what is this emo c**p.. like i've been told emo stands for emotional.. and an emo is someone who is emotional or sad to be broad.. but.. um.. i don't know how to say this.. where the f*ck does it come into play that they all dress the same listen to the same music and make the same music?




  1. it was originally a music genre.

    but you know how that goes.

    everything has to be turned into a label now.


    labels confuse me.

    because everyone has a different opinion of what it actually is.  

  2. Just another label, that's all.

  3. Years ago: Emo was short for Emotional which was short for "Emotional Hardcore" It was a music genre, listen to "Rites of Spring" for an example of great emo music.


    Emo is about being your own person and having feelings.

    Emo Poseurs: Tight pants, cutting for attention, hair over 1 side of your face, black and blonde hair, trying to be like other "emos".

    Real Emos: A true scene kid can be whoever he wants but generally... We love music/poetry/whatever. If we cut, we usually do it to cope with life and stress, not for attention and NOT to kill ourselves. We usually express ourselves through art, play a musical instrument, draw, paint, write, stuff like that. There is no predetermined fashion code. We dress how we want, Emo guys arent always scrawny, I am a pretty big guy who lifts weights. What you look like doesn't matter, who you are and how you act is more important. If you dont like my music, fine, but don't insult it.

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