
Understanding an individual: Astrology v.s Psychology/ Psychology v.s. Astrology OR Both as equals..your take!

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....Do you think astrology plays a more significant role in understanding the mind, actions in regards to an individual as whole than psychology?


Vice versa, Do you think psychology plays a more significant role in understanding the mind, actions in regards to an individual as whole than astrology?


Do you think they both play equal parts in understanding one as a whole?






  1. Hi Unpredictable,

    I see you have posted this question in both the Psychology and Horoscope section.  So, where I decided to answer has a lot to do with my answer.

    I have studied both and spent many years during my career working in the field of mental health care.  I used to know the DSM III - R like the back of my hand. I think Astrology can tell me more about why a person is the way he/she is, but Psychology can describe better what is there.  

    Also, Psychology / Psychiatry is more highly recognized and respected by mainstream western medicine practitioners, so there has been more money & research applied to its application in society.  

    So often, if someone is having mental problems or going through a difficult phase, the accepted recommendation will be for that person to see a mental health practictioner (ie. Psychology or Psychiatry)  Anyone suggesting the person see an Astrologer would lower the voice and be careful who was listening.  

    Now, there are certain conditions that need medication - do not think that an Astrologer can treat schizophrenia, bipolar, severe depression, etc. Understanding the causes of these conditions in relation to natal blueprint does not help the deficiency of neurotransmiters in the brain.  For these conditions, only medication can stabilize a person.  

    Another area in which I think Psychology is more applicable to treatment is child development (e.g. includes parenting skills)  It is one thing to understand the natal chart in relation to family dynamics and another to apply skills to help properly discipline children in relation to their cognitive / emotional / social stages of development.

    Overall, though, in understanding the whys and hows of understanding people, I think Astrology is much more accurate.  Have you every seen two incompatible people (astrologically speaking) try to get along.  Family and marital therapists can do the best therapy / counseling in the world, but they can't change what is there.  If therapists could recognize that you can't make a Cancer moon and Aries moon with incompatible sun signs ever work it out, a lot of unnnecessary emotional suffering would be spared.

    Anway, I guess you have heard enough from me........

  2. Each has a different approach.but the outcome can be the same.

    There are different branches within psychology the main three are psychoanalytic,behaviorist and humanistic

    Freud( psycho) "theorized that a persons personality developed in childhood):B.F Skinner(behav) and Abraham Maslow(human) are key contributors to fields of psychology that they worked in.

    Carl.g.Jung is known for his works to do with astrology,religion and mysticism

    While  a therapist/psychiatrist/ counselors will use guided questions as a way of helping their clients to find the answer from within themselves,by recognizing the negative behavior patterns a person is able to take steps to avoid them.

    In astrology the birth chart is a blue print of potential,Through the interpretation of the position of the planets and the houses at the time of a persons birth negative patterns of behavior/personality traits can be highlighted,as well as their positive.

    Astrology is mainly viewed as a pseudo-science  their have been many attempt to validate astrology,(Micheal gauquelin-position of planet and occupation house,Eysenck& justin topper;introversion,extraversion and the astrological signs(personality traits)

    However the methodology used to subsatiate their hypothosis is flawed.They only uses certain aspects of the birth chart.The personality traits that are in compassed within the individual are not difined by the sun sign alone.

    Even though Gauquelin showed a high statistical correlation between the planetary position and the occupation of those successful in their careers,he was unble to apply it generally as not every body reaches their full potental within the work place .

    Only the individual can assess whether their birth chart has any significants to their life and experiences,unfortunatly correlating the validity of this statement would be a huge task for anyone to undertake.

    I had an intrest in astrology before went to college(i was 30) but hadnt really looked into seriously,I did my own birth chart on CD programme i brought a couple of months after i got the computer.

    I was quite shocked at what i recognised of myself,it even mentioned that at at around 30 education and learing would become a big influence.words like religion,spiritualitythe consciousness cropped up a number of times

    Funny enough weeks before i got my computer,i had gone shopping with a friend for books One book i brought that day was called methodologies in consciousness.I was studying a humanities access course and,my research into astrology  lead me to religion.

    What shocked me the most was recognising some of the negative intrepretion that were in it.

  3. I think how astrology developed has nothing to do with psychology at all, but as far as it progressed, it increasingly involves it. I believe that astrology was originated first before humans evolved. When humans began to observe the cosmos, they put mythology, science, and psychology into it. Culture plays a big part in which type of approach to the subject and there are many cultures that used astrology for their benefit.

  4. Anyone who take quincunx and like seriously needs a psychologist. There are no energy beams, planets alignments don't affect a human mind and pretending they do is naive beyond words. Perhaps less time spent 'studying astrology' and more time on basic phyics would clarify the situation for people who buy into this rubbish

  5. Science and mental health have no relationship to this subject manner.Science is what it will be and have answers and mental health well..Is all mental and they do have answers and I can't read everything I read nor believe a stupid doctor with a PH.D that his right..When in my heart I know..His NOT.

    So I have to say is both worlds that your very confused trying to combine both into ONE that is not ONE.

  6. Well last year i studied psychology and i found it hard to comprehand since all of psychology is only theorys, that is they are only true untill someone proves them otherwise.

    i dont think psychology can be accurate or the same for each of us, but i guess the psychologists have idenified a pattern that may be accurate. But i think psychology is just as accurate as astrology. Because although for many astrology seems truth (once we really unstand it and not juist focus on our sun signs) but we can't be sure the personality traits arnt a coincidence and that they are very broad and astrology makes up excuses as to why we do things. I personaly think, it is very true because there are ar too many conincidences for it to be not true, but i can also see the flaws in astrology.

    i prefere astrology because it focus's on the universe and shows that there is something greater out there, and generally people who believe in them are more open minded =)

  7. Without Astrology there can't be Psychology. Psychology is the bi product of Astrology. Astrology is the Before Psychology is the After.

    The Whole concept of Psychology is "Perception".

    How does a person perceive their life and grow from it.

    Astrology assigns the colors of perception within each planet through the signs.

    The Planets say what is happening within the person the signs say how it's going to be expressed by the planet. The sum total of all the planets within a person creates an energy the experiences a person has, molds a personality

    by 4 factors.

    A.Type-Earth,Air,Fire,Water: How does a person view their experiences

    B. God-Aspects & Circumstances: What is shaping the persons experiences. Also Faith what are the Morals that guide a persons actions.

    C. Memory-Learned behavior: How does a person evolve through their experience.

    D.Expression-Cardinal,Fixed,Mutable: How does a person use their experience.

  8. I think it's a personality thing, what a person will "lean towards".  

    I myself will hear of psychology stuff all the time, and then apply it or "fit it" into astrology, and then stick with that new evolved astrological form. :-)

    Easier for me to understand.

  9. Psychology is still a fledgling science but has some good insight, astrology is just for the gullible and the simple and has no intelligent basis whatsoever

    Yes Croci I am aware that some people are attempting to turn predictive astrology into a pseudo science, it's not working and remains nonsense. You can indeed believe what you will, as can I. That's the beauty of free speech, we allow the thick to believe what they want even when it is demonstrably nonsense. It does matter the angle and degree of a planet, no energy force reaches Earth and guides an individual life.

  10. Both.If your really interested I would recommend any of Stephen Arroyos books.Hes an MA psychologist first and an astrologer second.He uses both astrology and  psychology.If here is a psychologist saying that its accurate I'm inclined to believe in astrology.

    Really Joker?Have you ever seriously studied astrology?Can you tell me what a trine,quincunx etc. are?The aspects?Can you explain what essential dignities are?What about progressions,secondary progressions,transits,firdaria etc?Really joker people do have the right to their own opinions but its people like you who form them without even studying the subject.Same with scientists and their warped statistics.

  11. No.!!!

    Psychology is a science the other is guess work.!!!

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