
Understanding parts of the constitution?

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Could you please give a short phrase describing these words/phrases in the constitution before I began to read it through.

House of Representatives



3/5 of all persons?









  1. Sorry. I don't do home work anymore. Too old.

  2. Meaningless if the liberals are allowed to twist it to serve their purposes.

  3. 1.In the House of Representatives the laws are made where they have to be approved by congress first, then they have to be approved by the senate before they can be signed into law by the president.

    2.Electors are members of the electoral college.  Each state has a certain number of electors which is representative of the population.  States that have a high population count also have a high electoral college count.

    3.A representative is usually the congressman which has been elected by the people in your district and who represents that district in the House of Representatives.

    4.(I am not sure:  3/4 of congress and 2/3 of senate votes are needed to pass a bill--I think that's 3/5 of all people.


    6.Vacancies are seats in the senate or congress which have been vacated--eaither by retiring or by death or other means.

    7.Impeachments are legal proceedings against a president or Governor.  When an average citizen commits a crime he/she gets charged with that crime.  When the president or governor commits a crime, he/she gets impeached.

    8.Concurrence:__I can only explain it this way:  if you serve time for 2 crimes then you can get a concurrent or a consecutive penalty.  If you get concurrent then you will serve the penalty at the same time you serve your time for another crime.  Say you got imprisoned for a felony, 5 years, and for another felony 8 years.  Concurrent means that you will serve those 5 years while you serve your 8 years for the other crime--meaning you will be out after serving your 8 years.  Consecutive would mean that you will serve your 5 years in prison and then your 8 years, making it 13 years.    Hope I helped you somewhat.  So if you are a public official, it means that you can hold 2 jobs at the same time:  be a legislator and a chairman of sorts at the same time.....I hope I helped you somewhat....

  4. Do you're own research. Look them up.

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