
Understanding the male mind?

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OK I want to write this story, it is sort of an adventure/fantasy type of thing, and the main character is a boy. so it really annoys me sometimes when I read books about guys that are written by women, and the guy totally acts like a girl! know what I mean? I want my guy character to think and act like a GUY, but I'm a teenage girl and I am still trying to figure guys out, so it's kinda hard. I really need some advice on how to write a character who is believable and relatable to boys (and girls too). Can anyone help?

(I hope this makes sense :)




  1. wow. i love to write toooo. it's one of my favorite things to do. i totally understand what you mean. i usually just write from a girl's point of view because it's easier. you should try talking to more guys and ask and tell them parts in the story and ask them what they would do. you should read "no small thing" it's from a boy's point of view. :D

  2. Well I'm not sure how you could go about this but really I know guys, they're a h**l of a lot simpler than you think. They're also very much like lemmings...

  3. Men are not as simple as we let on. :)

    Anywho, to reword the famous quote from As Good As It Gets, A man is a women, but with reason and accountability.

    EDIT: I am currently working on a story from a teenage girls perspective, so I am busy switching spots with you and trying to find my Metro-side.

  4. Honestly, it's pretty much the same thing. Other than with superficial things, men and women are very similar. We have the same wants and needs, same fears, same insecurities.

    Men are usually more worried about being too skinny (not enough muscle) while women are worried about being too pudgy. Women are more focused on details, men look at the whole picture. Guys usually don't get into fights with their friends over tiny things like girls may, and are quick to say something about it where girls will keep it to themselves. Etc.

    Just focus on the fact that he's a person, not that he's a MALE person. Think about what makes a character a well-rounded person regardless of gender and there's a good chance you'll hit on something that's easily related to by men or women.

    For me the strange thing is that I'm a woman, but my female characters tend to be a bit more masculine. I guess that's just my way of making an ambiguous personality that both genders can see a bit of themselves in.

  5. in a male mind most scared to lose

    so something they like to borrow some thinking from the

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