
Underwater breath holding record?

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How can i beat the record i seen david blaine do it so obviously i can do it too!! If i fill my bathtub with water, meditate, grab a plugged electric razor and take it with my when i go inside the batthub will i be able to set a new world record??




  1. i put a hole in my scuba diving partners oxygen tank and held him underwater. he beat the record by 5 hours.

  2. Why an electric razor? Aw, I know, to fend off sharks, right?

  3. you must be crazy...

    but nothing's impossible though.

    so go for the gold.

    good luck.

  4. The chances of you beating David Blane's record is very, very slim.

    I do not know how old you are, but it would probably take many months, even years, of training to beat his record....

    However, nothing is impossible, so I would say as long as you put some good hard work into it....

    I don't know. Give it your best. Good luck! K

  5. dunno if you can but try it any way

    Good luck mate ;-)

  6. of corse u cood, records are there to be broken lol

    and wats the electric razor for =S

    anyways GOOD LUCK =]

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