
Underwear in the front yard? When will he gain his modesty?

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He will be 8 years old in August ...........Yes there's neighbors and no he doesn't care. He's a very innocent type of kid. Do you think I need to punish him when I catch him playing in the front yard, climbing the trees (ouch), riding his scooter, getting the mail, etc. He doesn't leave the front yard or anything but it's embarrassing for me. To make it worse he is very tall for his age and weighs 80 lbs. He wears tidy whities too - hellloo !!! When do you think he will mature into a little modesty here? I try to explain to him that this is not normal , the next thing I know he's out there the next day. We have a big back yard so I don't know, he's lazy to put on clothes? ??? Should he be self conscience of this yet? Anyone else have this problem?




  1. I'm sorry but when I saw this question I had to laugh!  This is natural, pure and simple!  Yes he has a little bit of laziness in him but to say he is lazy is not fair to him.  He likes the idea of not having any pants on because of things you just described(all except the playing in the front yard) the scooter riding, getting the mail and tree climbing, (although I have a mental * beside this) would be blocked in some way (in his mind) if he had them on.  As far as getting him to stop, why not embarrass him by going outside and making a big deal out of it each time he does it, that should make him red in the face and especially if he is playing with other kids!  It worked for a little feller that grew up in the street I grew up on.  He got so mad when his Mom would come out with a pair of pants and make it like he was a little baby getting his diaper changed that little guy was wearing pants in a week!

  2. Sounds like somebody that is just too busy to bother getting dressed.  I would start a reward and take away system.  If he does get dressed he gets a reward, if he doesn't he loses something.  At 8 yrs old it is time to get tough on this situation.

  3. I know adults who still do that.. LOL.. When I was younger I got punished for being out of my room in my undies. Nothing big, justed yelled at and told to get in my room and don't come out until i was decent. The fact is most boys don't really get self conscience, thats why they do such crazy things. Every time you see him leave his room make sure he has clothes on, if not make he go and put something on. He will learn it's not ok.

  4. I dont think this is a major deal.  You are the parent - tell him he is not allowed outside in his underwear.  If he does bring him in and make him put clothes on.  Be consistent.

  5. it is simple. Tell him he must wear clothes in the front yard even if it is just a pair of shorts. If you see him out there in underware he must come back in and dress and as punishment he may not go back out front to play

  6. take all of his underwear that he has out of his drawer. replace them with Elmo or Go, Diego, Go!, etc. if you can find them big enough. he'll never go out in his undies again. then in a few months give him his underwear back.

  7. Try replacing his undies with swim trunks, or get him boxers. If this fails he's a free spirit so dont break him. He'll stop on his own once he sees his friends find it weird. You never know you might have a real genius or artist on your hands. Have you ever just asked him why he does this? He might surprise you by saying clothes itch or feel restrictive, then you have a child with sensative skin, a doctor could help with that.

  8. 80 pounds and only eight years old? And he goes around outside in only underwear? No offense,  but he sounds like he's really lazy. Make him join boys scouts or a sports team. He'll learn to like it; and I'm sure he'll learn to put on clothes or a robe before he goes outside. If discipline doesn't'll have to go to bribing.

    Good luck!

  9. I already answered this don't "gain" modesty, they are TAUGHT it by their PARENTS.  Obviously the parents here haven't done their job and are still allowing him to run around in his underwear which is totally inappropriate for an 8 year old boy.  If I were a neighbor I'd be calling CPS and turning the parents in for obvious child neglect.

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