
Underweight child. Please help!!!?

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My son is almost 11 yrs old and he's extremely underweight. He is 60 inches tall and only 70 pounds. He's very active but has a pretty good appetite. The problem is that he gets full pretty fast like after a few bites and can never finish his food. His been to the Dr. many times and gets an annual checkup. He's had recent blood work and got tested for all types of allergies and all came out normal. I give him insure plus everyday and I feed him lots of pasta and bread but he doesn't seem to gain any weight just height. He's been tested for allergies and all are negative. Even drs can't advise me as what to do. Has anyone had a simliar problem with their child and has been able to help their child put on weight?? Can you please share your story?




  1. All three of my kids are underweight/skinny kids.. I have always been too.  As long as the doctor haven't found a problem and he is active, just chalk it up to his natural build.  He will most likely grow into his size.

  2. i had the same problem at his age.

    i was starting to grow, but rapidly and no matter how much i ate it didn't seem like i was putting on any weight.

    my mum got concerned and thought it was an early eating disorder. i was doing ballet 4 times a week and other forms of exercise. she sent me to many doctors and other specialists but nothing seemed to work. they told her to not worry and wait about a year and she did this but it got worse.

    turned out i had a stomach worm. what they do is eat whatever food you put it.

    so i guess they sort of mixed? test your son but otherwise don't worry about it

    good luck

  3. i was  very thin and still am im 5'5'' and only weight 103  when i was 11 i was 4'11'' and weight 60lbs i too was very active but my dr. just told me my matabilizm  is to fast for my body to cut back on o many ativities to slow it down so i could gain some of the weight  rather than burning it off have him eat snacks between meals healthy foods not fatty foods

  4. Make him eat fat food and candy alot and make him lazy after he gain enough weight make him be active again.

  5. I was a very skinny kid, just like your son.

    I was also quite healthy, as is your son.

    My strongest advice to you is to accept your son as he is.  

    An overemphasis on his body size can lead to problems down the road.

    People come in all shapes and sizes.

    Hang in there.

    Be well.

  6. Do not stress there is nothing wrong with your son. His weight will pick up in due time. I have a 12 yr old girl who recently gone through this.

    First keep him on the ensure and instead of feeding him three times a day break it up and feed him six times. This will help him to get the nutrients he needs as a growing boy. Start leaving the starch in his pastas and rices. I found the best thing to give my daughter with this new routine was polyvisol the liquid vitamins that you give to small children. After the first two weeks of all this her appetite and weight started to pick up; but you will still need to remember your son is just fine.

  7. short and skinny...but im under weight and shorter than ur son but i weigh 5 pounds more!!! 4"9"  75 lbs

  8. My sister and I were born prematurely. I was the smallest, and I gain weight very slowly. My sister has no weight problems. I was born with minor Microcephaly and though it doesnt come out in my appearance, it does come out in weight. I'm only 82 pounds. Maybe he just gains weight slowly like me.

  9. I have (had) a fairly similar problem. In 7th grade, I was 5'4" and only weighed 85 pounds. Now, as a freshman, I've grown to 5'7" and weigh about 120.

    Problem was, up until 2 or 3 months ago, I was 5'7" and only weighed about 105. Continue with pasta, but also lots of meat. Have him exercise lots every day... but not just normal exercising, stuff like running and even weightlifting... these will not only increase his appetite from exerting himself to do them, but they'll build muscle, which translates into weight

    Hope I helped!

  10. My son is skinny, he is about 50 inches tall and weighs 55 lbs. We call him the bottom less pit because he eats all the time. He is very active though. I would make sure he had a daily multi vitamin and try to serve more whole milk products. He may just have a crazy fast metabolism. As long as he is healthy don't worry. Good Luck.

  11. I think he is fine. I am 12, 60 inches, and 75 lb. I have a sister who is 14, 62 inches, and only 80. If he eats well, and is healthy, then he might just be a small kid. Also, with Puberty and stuff, he may be growing height then weight, while some kids get chubbier at puberty because they gorw weight then height. I wouldn't stress too much. You may be making him feel like he is doing something wrong, when he;s not. He will gain weight soon.

  12. If his blood work came back o.k. then I wouldn't worry about it. He probably has a high metabolism. Did the doctor advise you to give him the Ensure? If his blood work is good then all of his nutrient and vitamin levels should be as well. Does he complain about being hungry? Does he have good energy? Sounds like he is fine, just thin. Wait until puberty, boys always gain weight then, or more height.

  13. When I was12 I was 5 feet tall and only weighed 80 pounds. He's just a skinny kid. Eventually he will get heavier in his teenage years. Don't worry about his weight so much or he will too and that could lead to serious problems in his future.

  14. my step brother was underweight  then we fead him

    mc donalds now hes fine

  15. I'm not sure this'll relate well to your question but when my son was born he was so skinny he looked like a shrunken old man (the cutest) and over the years I noticed he was always skinnier that the other kids. ***His father was out of the picture & I didn't come across someone worthwhile enough for him to meet until he was about 7 but once I did...***Once my son & his stepdad bonded after about 11/2 years getting to know each other (before we got married) I started to notice my boys anxiety level come down & at 12 he's currently eating me out of house & home! He's even fattened up a bit. I'm not sure if you can relate but I wish you luck!!!

  16. Has he ever been checked for type 1 diabetes.  Some symptoms are extreme thirst, underweight, tires easily, can wet bed.  Would be worthwhile.

  17. some things that might help him put on weight are

    whole milk

    snacking between meals

    rice, pasta, bagels, biscuits

    canned fruit

    hard cheeses such as cheddar

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