
Unemotional Pisces Man?

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So I'm dating this pisces (aquarius cusp). Wonder why he is so unemotional, he says he holds a lot back because he's afraid that I'll leave, but I'm not sure if this is true...

I'm an aquarius, so I know that influence can be a little emotionally cool...

How can I get him to open up? To find out where we are in our relationship with out nagging him or making him uncomfortable?




  1. give him time. it takes time to feel comfortable. i'm guessing that he hides his emotions and he seems cold because of the aquarius cusp.  

  2. Fish are tough to figure.

    Pisceans only seem to lack emotion. Beneath the surface, you’ll probably find strong emotions. Pisces men can be hard to get to know. You need to decide whether you can hang around long enough to find out what he’s made of.

  3. There are no "cusps" in astrology, contrary to what you might have heard. In fact, there is a specific time of day in which the sun enters a particular zodiac sign, and knowing what time of day a person was born clears up the issue of the "cusp".

    But when you say he is a Pisces, what you mean is that his natal Sun was in Pisces at the time of his birth. What most people don't know about astrology is that there is much more to it. You also have a Moon sign, a Rising sign, a Mercury sign, a Venus sign, etc...and all those signs influence the personality.

    The Sun (his in Pisces for example) influences our ego, but the Moon is the sign of our emotions. I'm guessing your boyfriend has a detached Moon sign, like a Capricorn moon or something similar.

  4. I know this girl who is also a Pisces Aquarius cusp. She just sounds like you described this guy.

    Well, some people are not likely to open up as fast as others so you need to be a little patient with him. Show him that he can trust you and that you will always be there for him no matter what.

    Actions speaks louder than words. The more you do it the more he'll feel like he can trust you. But you would need a WHOLE lot of patience.

    Don't nag him. Just enjoy dating this guy. It takes time to really get to know anyone. With him it sounds like it'll take even longer.

    It's up to you if you are willing to invest your time with this guy.


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