
Unemployed in Michigan?

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So I just put in my 45th application today. I have revamped my resume and got really good references, and have followed up on all of the jobs, but I have not got hardly any call backs on any of these jobs I have applied for. I hear the same thing over and over again "not a full time position, you need a full time position, this is only 15 hourse a week, You wont be able to support yourself with this job"

At this point I will take the 15 hour a week job, but they keep giving them to teenagers. I am at my wits end. I have been working so hard at this and it seems that I have hit an invisible wall or something. I never had problems in the past getting jobs. Now I can hardly get an interview. Could it have something to do with a big medical bill I am paying on? Or the fact I recently got married? Maybe employers fear I will get preggers? I applied for the same job as an ex convict and he got the job. I did not even get an interview. I hate Michigan!




  1. In the same boat in Texas. The economy stinks right now. Keep looking, its not you.

  2. There just aren't enough jobs to go around.  It's not your fault.  Either you start your own business or you move to India to get a job.  The future looks very bleak to me.  After people lose $30. per hour jobs they are lucky if they find a job at $7. per hour.  It doesn't look good for the future of this country!  Good luck to us all!!

  3. same problem in NC.  all I can say is to try to seek out "part time jobs" and be up front with them about that and say all you need is 15 hours form them, then go get a second job using the same method if you can.

    in the meantime, try some more freelance stuff to earn money, from babysitting ( to registering with temp agencies in your area.

    you can also check with your state unemployment and securities commision and see if you're eligible for unemployment pay.

  4. ahhhhhh Michigan.... I've lived here my entire life and granted I'm not that old, this is def. the worse our economy and job outlook has been...  I dont know what to do about it, I'm not exactly in the same position as you, but I am unemployed, in michigan and seem to be stuck between a rock and a hard place.  Best of luck for your job hunt.

  5. Well, FIND OUT what the ex-con did and do that.

    NO, I do NOT mean go out and slaughter a family of five, I meant do what he did in getting the job.

    You SEEM to be having a problem getting in the door. This means your resume is not doing its job. You can revise it until the cows come home and essentially you are just rehashing the same old words. Try having your resume done by a professional resume writer, one who can LOOK at your particular set of work skills and experiences and can organize them in such a way as to make you more desirable to a prospective employer. Don't go CHEAP on this expense and make sure the writer has a decent set of experiences in the matter. Ask for references if you must.

    A job interview is just like trapping a man-believe me, I've been trapped by many. You have to put out ENOUGH information to make your person intriguing, NOT interesting, but intriguing. WHY would they want to look further at you. What skills or experiences do you have that would fit into their organization. This is the job of the resume writer to take your particular situation and make it intriguing to someone else.

    Think of it as screen writing for the job market. Find a good screen writer.

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