
Unemployment Benefits - Can I get it, if I was fired?

by  |  earlier

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I only worked for this company for a little over a month. They put me on a salary but fired me when I had too many tardies in a 60 day period (also, I worked at my last job for almost 4 years and never had this problem).

The problem?

They were located in downtown and had no parking garages allocated for their company. Therefore, we would have to drive around, find a park, and walk up hills for 2 blocks. They have no grace period at their company (usually companies will at least give you 5 minutes). In a salary position, I was marked tardy for being 1 minute late under those circumstances. Can I file unemployment in the state of Tennessee per technically it was my fought for being late, but I feel that the 8 o'clock traffic and bad parking situation should be considered. Do you think that I can temporarily receive unemployment benefits in this situation (per I heard that you had to be fired for no fault of your own).




  1. It won't hurt to file. If the company you worked for disputes it, then you probably won't get any benefits.

    You are at fault for the tardies. If their policy is that being 1 minute late is a tardy, and you knew this, it is your responsibility to get there on time. They do give you some leeway in that it took many tardies before they fired you. If you knew parking was bad and traffic was bad, you should have left a few minutes earlier to get there on time. Doing the same thing everyday and expecting different results is not what makes a person a good employee.

  2. You were fired?  You cannot et unemployment benefits.

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