
Unemployment and school attendance?

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I just got laid off from my job of 16 years. I need to go to school to get anywhere close to the income I need to survive. I registered as a full time student and begin classes on Aug 25th and am officially unemployed as of Aug 31st. Someone told me that I will not be able to collect unemployment benefits because I registered for school...Is this true??

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I took money out of my home equity loan but I'm going to lose my house. I wanted the money because it's all my two year old and I have to live off of, we are moving in with a friend this weekend. I had planned on getting a part time job....... Any other advice on dealing with unemployment or financial aid?

Thanks in advance!!




  1. I don't have any advice you are looking for but I will say that I have empathy for your situation because I, much like your child, was raised in the same situation. 15 years later and my family is doing okay. Success is possible even in the darkest of times. I love my mother for the sacrifices and hard work that she did in those times (she also started school again), and so will your child.

  2. Most states do NOT allow full time students to claim unemployment. To recieve unemployment benefits you must be actively looking for gainful employment and available for work. As a fulltime student you would be neither in the eyes of the state. Instead I would try for public assistance and student grants that would allow you to cut some of your expenses. As a parent you are more likely to qualify for aid than most kids just out of high school.

  3. When I recieved unemployment from Montana and Texas they told me I couldn't go to school and file my unemployment claims.  If you have a part time job you can still receive partial unemployment.  I was in the Army Reserves they would just deduct what I made from my unemployment allowance, basically it evened out.  Some states might allow you to go to school but you might want to call and check into that.  

  4. It seems that you feel really screwed up of this problem. Hope you may found useful here.

  5. well when i first became pregnant at 17, i was on public assistance and they paid for my school supplies so i dont know if its the same ting but mayby they would, and dont feel ashamed of wic and foodstamps, people will knock you about it but hopefully you wont be on it too long, i now own a restaraunt and am thinking about going to school to be a nurse also!

  6. I know some people get student loans and help from social services when they have a child and are enrolled in school full time. You should contact them and find out.

    Remember, social services is there to help you. There is no shame in asking for help when you have paid taxes for 16 years and now need help to enable you to get into a position to be independent again.  

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