
Unemployment insurance...?

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In Ontario, Canada how long does it take to get unemployment insurance? Under what conditions do you qualify ?(does it matter if you quit/were fired? What if you quit due to being in a poisioned environment?)? How long do you have to be employed inorder to be elegible for unemployment insurance?




  1. 1. You must be "without work and without pay for at least 7 consecutive days".  "You must serve a 2-week unpaid waiting period before your EI benefits begin to be paid."  If you provide all "the required information and if you can be paid benefits, your payment will be issued usually within 28 days from the date we receive your application."

    2. You qualify only if "you lose your job through no fault of your own, for example, due to shortage of work, seasonal or mass lay-offs and you are available for and able to work but you can’t find a job... If you voluntarily quit your job without just cause or if you are fired due to your own misconduct, you will not be paid...."   However, you can receive benefits if you "show that quitting your job was the only reasonable alternative in your case, considering all the circumstances. In other words, you took all the necessary steps to avoid being unemployed."  See for the list of necessary steps.

    3. You must have worked a number of hours which is "based on where you live and the unemployment rate in your economic region at the time of filing your claim for benefits."  Ask Service Canada for the number of hours for your region.

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