
Unemployment is an inevitable by-product of technological advancement?

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Unemployment is an inevitable by-product of technological advancement?




  1. NO

    technology can create many more jobs than it ends.

    Tech can make a business more effective and profiotable creating new opportunies to invest in and more people to hire.

    If you keep your skills current and work smart, you will never be unemployed for more than a week,

  2. Unemployment is a product of the Great Depression in the 1930's in American History. Please read here for full details:

  3. Nonsense. Unemployment is the result of CEO's responsiblility.

    Company no make $$$$$$, retrenchment alway on company staffs but not CEO, themselves. Also, workers did not make decision on the company but they are the one alway get FIRE! lol. So who should be the one go, actually it is CEO but reality it never happen. why? because money is too good for Ceo steps down! or FIRE!

    Did u know that feed one CEO, u can feed many workers for many years? lol.....

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