
Unemployment is at 6.1% and rising. What's McCains plan to get well over 1/2 Million people back to work?

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Unemployment is at 6.1% and rising. What's McCains plan to get well over 1/2 Million people back to work?




  1. He will give HUGE tax breaks and incentives to major global corporations, so they can shaft the community they set up shop in.  

    He will not expect HUGE major global corporations to pay any taxes for years as an "incentive" to set up shop.  

    As a result, people like you, will drive by these cities and ask yourself why in the h**l are they struggling with schools, police, fire, EMT, trash collection, snow removal, public pools, road construction, etc., etc., etc.

    Why on this planet would we allow the most profitable corporations to set up shop in areas that need so much help and not expect anything from them, in fact, we expect them to pay less taxes than the family who can't put food on the table?!?!

    That's my answer to your question.

    research:  Outsourcing, Bank of America, Delaware, North Dakota, Philadelphia, etc.  You'll find that rich are getting richer and the poor are getting drunk.

    And your McCain talks about these issues, but he sounds like a high school student council member when he does.  

  2. He's not going to put them to work here in the U.S.

    He'll deploy them to Iran in uniform.  

  3. He wont raise taxes and push the economy further into a recession.

  4. create 1/2 million Community Organizer positions

  5. He plans to draft them. They will go to Iraq, Iran or Georgia to fight the Russians. Then there will be plenty of  vacant jobs in the US.

    Today's headlines head "Fight With Me" right above McCain's head.

    That is a very good clue to McCain's plan.

  6. Give all the jobs to men and let Palin teach all the women to be submissive, ignorant housewives.

  7. Do me a favor take an ecomics course and then calm down, chicken little.

  8. Win the election and send the libs back to work instead of being Baracks "groupies" and holding g*y pride rallies.

  9. By cutting taxes for business and lowering the corporate tax rate so corporations will come to this country to do business instead of overseas.

    Please explain how higher taxes on companies is going to somehow make them want to hire new people. If you raise taxes on business, they look for other ways to cut expenses - which usually mean employees - and/or raise prices.

  10. Reinstate the military draft.


    There are plenty of jobs out there, go look.

  12. I personally don't believe it is the job of the government to start giving people jobs as it just causes everyone to be responsible for others salaries. This means higher taxes, less economic growth, less jobs.

    McCain= Lower taxes on everything including businesses

    McCain=Lower Taxes on Business=More Profit=More Growth=More Jobs Required to sustain growth=more money being made=more money spent=more profit for business=repeat

  13. he wants to keep business' here and lowering taxes...this will allow companies to hire more and have more jobs...he wants to keep work here at home.

  14. increase corporate welfare and decrease/eliminate human welfare.

  15. I hope he starts the exchange a dead dead beat program. Every time an illegal immigrant is found WORKING here, a random welfare recipient gets deported.

  16. He'll put them in the army  - and send them to Iran and Iraq and Afghanistan.

    KIA creates heroes  -  and keeps unemployment down.

  17. He is planning on creating millions of new jobs.

  18. Create jobs.

    Economists have already said Obama's economic plans are weak.

    And his plan to raise taxes is not good either.

  19. bomb iran

  20. Hopefully he'll try to undo the NAFTA fiasco and see that some jobs return to the States.

  21. McCain’s Economic Plan if He Were President:  The Standard Republican Response

    •Cutting the second highest business tax rate (as an incentive to create jobs and to prevent them from leaving the country)

    •Doubling the child tax exemption from $3,500 to $7,000

    •Reducing government spending and getting rid of “failed government programs”

    •Opening new markets and preparing workers to compete in the “new economy”

    •Public/Private competition for educational systems

    How does John McCain Plan to “Fund” These Initiatives?

    •The solution is to “drill” for oil to reduce dependence upon “foreign” oil

    •Reduce “pork” barrel spending in Washington

    •Eliminate corrupt lobbyists

    McCain’s Voting Record in the US Senate is to: Right-leaning tendencies

    •Refuse to remove the tax subsidies given to corporations that are moving jobs oversees

    •Agreed to restrict and reform the “personal bankruptcy” law in order to make it more difficult for others to file for personal bankruptcy and not pay their bills.

    •Pro-Nafta, Pro-Gatt, Pro-Fast Track, Pro-MFN

    •For reducing campaign finance (527) and against pork barrel spending but “doesn’t practice what he preaches”.

    Have you notices something about McCain's voting record...He supports sending American jobs abroad...His solution to the unemployment is to "open up new markets and re-train folks"...He also is interested in using tax subsidies and other financial incentives to "lure" businesses into hiring Americans...This is called Reganomics or "trickle down" economics...and in theory it could work except for one thing...Corporations have been cheating us...and so has the Republicans because they are being supported by corporations...This is why I'm not suprised that Carly Fiorina (former CEO of Hewlett-Packard) is apart of McCain's campagin...Don't be stupid, vote Obama for President!!!

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