
Unemployment questions?

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If im working for an government contractor in North Carolina, and i recieve a lay off after only 2 months. A week later the same contracting company sends me an offer to come to Missouri for 3 months, and i want to quit in order to come home and start school after being here 4 months. Can i still draw unemployment in North Carolina untill i find a new job. Being thats thats where i recieved the lay off




  1. Contractors don't get unemployment for exactly the situation you're in - one position ended but the agency you worked for had a new position for you shortly thereafter.

    As a contractor, you're basically a temporary employee.  You are employed by an agency, and they send you out on contract to their clients.  The agency doesn't guarantee that you will have a position 100% of the time and they don't guarantee your salary for times when you aren't working at a billable contract.  This makes you a temporary.  Layoffs by the agency's client don't entitle you to unemployment, because you didn't work for the client - you work for the agency.

    You also can't get unemployment in North Carolina if you're going to school.  You can only get it if you are actively searching for another full-time job with the intentions of accepting a job if one is offered.

    You can certainly call the NC Employment Security Commission and ask them if state law allows contractors to claim unemployment against their agency.  Their web site is  and their phone number is 919-707-1290.

  2. Probably not, since you would be quitting your current job, not getting laid off.  You can apply and see what they say, but don't be surprised if you get turned down.

  3. If you were a contractor you are not eligible for unemployment as the employer does not pay unemployment insurance for contractors,


  4. If I understand the question - You worked in NC, got laid off, collected unemployment then went to work in Missouri where you worked for a few months and now want to quit and  collect unemployment.  

    If so, all transactions will have to be in Missouri - unemployment compensation programs are state-based and companies pay the unemployment insurance premiums in the state you work.  So, if your last job was Missouri, that is where you will collect from.  You will have to check with te Missouri unemployment commission to see if quitting and/or your length of time employed qualifies you for compensation.

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