
Unemployment?advisor what is this and should i use it to file?

by  |  earlier

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i tried to look up the web site for the unemployment to day and got the unemploymentadvisor has any one tried to use this is it a good thing to use it says it will get you more money faster and does it cost




  1. It sounds to me like the "unemployment adviser" is BS.

    You should ONLY seek unemployment benefits through resources provided by the state you live in.

    Anything else is a rip-off. They just want you to pay for them to do services that you can easily do yourself.

    Google "unemployment web site" for the state you live in. Your state's official unemployment website will pop up.

    Go to the state's web site and follow the instructions given from there. You can also call the toll-free line provided on the web site (good luck getting through if you live in CA!).

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