I worked at a childcare facility awhile back. There was an incident with a child. It was more irresponsibility on the staffperson involved. Fortunately, the child was fine. My question comes in with this. My manager told the staff that heard about the incident not to mention it with anyone-and that she wasn't going to talk to the little one's parents about the incident. That infuriated me. After I took some time to calm down, I went to the Director above her-spoke with her, and put in my two weeks notice. She told me she was planning on speaking with the parents later. Also, there were very little consequences for the staffperson involved. I wasn't there when the incident happened. Should I have told the parents or called licensing anyways? Or should I just hope that they do the right thing-and stay out of it because I wasn't involved? This is really eating away at my conscience..I have my opinions about this, but I'm not posting so that I can hear what you all have to say first.