
Unexpected babysitting overnight...

by  |  earlier

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I watched my best friend's 10-month-old son earlier today because her mom has had a stroke and she needed to be at the hospital. The mom took a turn for the worse and now I'm keeping the kiddo all night. I don't have a crib or a playpen. The little guy is asleep on my bed right now with pillows lining the edges in case he rolls around. He's been fussing every 20-30 minutes and I go in there and give him his pacifier. How should I handle this night?? Sleeping arrangements, keeping the fussing to a minimum, etc?




  1. Agree with answer #1, and what you are doing is just right!

  2. well check his diapers or see if he's angry for now let him sleep on the bed and if you sleep there also try to sleep far away(especially if you move alot when sleeping) cause you can accidentally suffocate him. But other than that you'll be fine. Just think of it as training!!!

  3. Since you will only have him for the night let him sleep in the bed with you...

    If you can push the bed against the wall without too much furniture moving do so, then you sleep on the outside so your body will block him from rolling out...  Place a line of pillows at the foot of the bed to block that route of escape..  

    As for the fussing he may settle down once you lay down with him, if not you will learn the fine art of replacing a pacifier while half asleep pretty quickly...

  4. poor little guy. just remember that he's in a strange bed and his routine is off. kids thrive on if his day has been off it might make him upset for a bit.

    talk to him softly and smile while you talk to him.

    him knowing that someone kind is there for him will help him be comfortable.

    be careful about leaving him unattended on your bed. a 10 month old is able to crawl very well and can easily crawl over or roll over the pillows. it might be a better idea to stay w/him in your room if you want to keep him on your bed where you can monitor him closer.

    as for sleeping arrangements, I'd just lay next to him and snuggle w/him. i do that with my little guy when he's having trouble sleeping. my youngest is 10 months old too.

    if he wakes up fussy, hold him, rock him and talk very softly to him or sing to him. babies like the vibration of your voice.

    reasons for fussing-

    needing diaper


    wanting affection




  5. I would just let him sleep in your bed with you.  He is going to be confused and that way you are right there to comfort him.  If you are scared of sleeping (rolling on him, him falling out of bed) you can make a bed for him on the floor but make sure you are right there so that when he wakes up he doesn't get to scared.

    Blessing to your friend and you for being there for her.

  6. Do you have a ride to the hospital to maybe grab mom's house keys to get his playpen so he can sleep in it if not tthat how about his carseat some kids like to sleepo in there carseats and put the seat beside your bed and give him a few extra blankets so he will be comfy

    side note do you have a extra bed if you do take the matress off and put it in the floor beside your bed for him

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