
Unexpected visitors?

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Am I the only Filipino here who hates unexpected visitors?

They are so sudden that at nightime (dinner time), they just would come up with their whole family on, then of course, my mom (her relatives) would welcome them, and she has no choice but to share our dinner.

I am not being selfish - I just think that it's too much and not so practical nowadays. I do like sharing, but not in this way.




  1. I, too, don't like unexpected visitors specially at times when I am busy or taking a nap.  It disrupts normalcy in the house with unexpected guests popping up at any time.  I prefer to be forewarned except, of course, when the guests didn't really have the time or chance to call or  inform me.  Like an impromptu thing or what.

    I have a sister-in-law who loves to surprise me - at dinner time.  Together with her 2 daughters, they come near dinner time and their visit throws me off.  I have to hastily prepare more food and more rice because they always stay for dinner...invited or not.

    Oh well, some people really don't think how cumbersome it would be to just drop by unannounced.

  2. Thumps up kuruvimama!!!

  3. I really hate un welcomed unexpected visitors!

  4. most of the time - i do. sometimes, i have to hide. i stay in my room, that's the time i started becoming an introvert,hehe

  5. no, but you might want to jokingly tell this particular family to text before bombarding in your house, that way you would not get caught half combed wearing your favorite authentic oversize tshirt.  

  6. Traditionally Filipinos welcome anyone, anytime, yes even at meal times. And yes even in between meals, Filipinos still offer snacks/refreshments/etc. It's just the way Filipinos were brought up.

    I personally do not like unexpected visitors but I do not hate them either.

    Within our family/close friends we can go to any relative's house practically anyday anytime, even unannounced. And if it happens to be meal time, half of the time we go there to eat their food, the other half we bring food for all of us to share. Eating among family/relatives/close friends have always been a tradition in Filipino families too.

    If you have been westernized, then all these would seem very rude. But it's just a cultural thing. But cellphones can be of use to at least warn anybody so as not to be totally caught unaware.

  7. I have a personal rule to never go to any place, like relatives or friends' place, unannounced. So far, I rarely receive surprise guests.

    For your case, since they are your relatives, they were tolerated with that habit and wouldn't care at all if they go to your place without them telling you. They weren't told at all that what they're doing is annoying so they thought it's okay with you guys.

    I dont think it'll be nice to tell them they shouldn't be coming over during meal time. But next time, try to ask them to bring food when they come over.  

  8. I was always told you need to be invited to dinner & not just show up. Very rude, but I have family that does the same thing. Try changing the time you eat & just enjoy visiting with them. I think it's great to have people over for dinner, just not uninvited. We all need some uninterruped time to relax.

  9. I'd rather have visitors barging in during dinner time than during s*x...


  10. That is actually rude!

    I personally hate the same thing. One time the same happened to us and we never opened the door, didn;t answer the phone. At the end of it, we had a guilty feeling. And that sucks!

  11. uhmm., i haven't experienced any unexpected visitors but i think it's kinda annoying..  

  12. If it doesn't happen often, I guess it would be a pleasant surprise.

    If it becomes regular (same family, same time, same strategy), then I might start feeling annoyed. I might even think they're doing it on purpose.  
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