
Unexplained Infertility??

by  |  earlier

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LONG:This is my diagnosis and it is driving me insane!!! My husband and I have been trying to get pregnant for 33 months now with no luck, not even a time where I thought I could be pregnant. We have had every test I know of done: HSG, sperm count/ motility (300mil/ 60%, which is great), PCT, A ton of bloodwork and I even had a lapraroscopy...Nothing is wrong! Is there a test I"m missing? I have done the clomid thing, HCG shots, charting my bbt, OPK's, IUI, a ton of ultrasounds, taken "time off". This month we were supposed to start an injectable cycle but are unable to because I will be out of town for work the day I should be having the IUI (which is good actually because fertility treatments can be VERY expensive). My cycle is a perfect 28 day cycle ovulating on day 14. Can anybody tell me if there is a test I am missing? Are there any success stories out there? Should I just go straight to IVF. I am really starting to get down and I need some hope/ encouragement. Thanks!




  1. just relax! you need a complete break !

    break to rejuvenate ur body n soul. put off getting pregnant thoughts for the time being..

    prepare your mind & body by de-stressing them as stress can delay ur chances to conceive.. deep breathing can help greatly to reduce stress ... try meditating or working out (walking, jogging, aerobics, etc) whatever you feel u'll enjoy the most..

    engage urself in something u’ve always wanted to do/learn in life & divert ur mind n thoughts from getting pregnant…

    be positive and never give up hope..

    u can try pre-seed lubricant in case ur CM is not very friendly to ur partner's sperms.


  2. i have heard about some women being allergic to their hubbys sperm ( they actually found out that is the case with my mom, altho in her case it caused miscarriages) i dont know how exactly they test for it, or if anything can really be done about it. i would ask though and see! i am so sorry! i wish you two the best of luck!! :-)

  3. All I can say is that you are not alone and that you will get through this . . . DH and I had the dreaded diagnosis of unexplained infertility, too!  It was so annoying - there were days that I would have rather had something wrong so that we could focus our energy there!

    DH and I found a really good RE and started trying things - we tried 4 rounds of Clomid / 3 with an IUI.  We then tried injectible FSH and IUI . . .I had one chemical pregnancy but nothing else.  After 3 attempts, we moved onto IVF and I am now 33 weeks pregnant with twins.

    It sounds like you are paying out of your own pocket . . . and yes it is REALLY expensive.  I would consider trying an injectible cycle.  There are good success rates for unexplained infertility and it will give you and your doctor an idea as to how you will react to the meds.  See if they will use some of the same meds if an IVF becomes necessary . . . that is what we did.

    I also recommend trying some alternative treatments - acupuncture, support groups for women dealing with infertility, a nutrionist, maybe yoga . . . these things helped me to cope and be in a better place when going through the treatments.

    Good luck, best wishes and baby dust!

  4. There are some cases in which your environment does not support your partners sperm. You may be compatible with other people, but maybe you and your husbands sperm don't mix - you may kill off the sperm before it can properly enter your cervix - limiting the amount of sperm that can get you pregnant. Have they done this test? I know that they can test for it. IVF maybe an option for this - as you bypass the part where your environment 'attacks' the sperm.

  5. It sounds like you have done almost everything.  The only thing I can think of is maybe the sperm isn't penetrating the egg.  There is a test called SPA or the hamster egg test that can be done to see if this is the case.  IVF will also answer this question.  I am sorry that you are going through this, I know how this feels because my wife and I are having fertility problems.  It can be hard to "relax" when you can't have something you really want.  Good luck to you.

  6. Geez.... calm down and relax!!!! it dont seem like you are missing anything... but it does sound like you are stressing tooooo much.....dont just worry about having a baby everytime you have s*x... slow down and enjoy it..... good luck to ya!!!

  7. Try not using perfume or scented products. Eat organic if possible. Go back to mother nature she knows best. To find out which products are

    better or worse for u

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