
Unexplained bleeding? Pregnancy? Help Please!?

by Guest21468  |  earlier

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I have been on the pill for a few years now and am very regular, and I dont start my period until 3 days into the "period pills" if that makes sense. Due to some insurance drama, I went off the pill for a little while a couple months ago and then started it up again. I go 3 months before I have a period because of endometriosis issues.

Anyways, this month I started brownish bleeding very lightly almost exactly a week before my period should have been (which I didnt have because I go 3 months at a time) It lasted about a week then stopped. I thought it might be implantation bleeding, but I took a pregnancy test and it was negative. Now its about 3 days later and I just had some brownish discharge/bleeding again!

I know a lot of women spot when they start taking the pill, but I never have, not even when I first started or when I started skipping periods. Does anyone have any insight to what's going on




  1. i had the same problem , i was on the pill for 2 years, went off it to have a baby, and then started it again after he was born, my body just went nuts when i went back on. i would have very light periods (mine are usually heavy) and they'd only last 4 or 5 days and then a week later, i'd have it again, or just light spotting... i suggest stay on the pill, give it a few more months as it may just need time to get back  in your system. my doc said its very normal to have messed up periods when you go back on the pill. good luck .

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