
Unexplained knocking sound? Do I have ghosts?

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I hear knocking on my front door often, but when I answer, no one is there. Do I have a ghost? One time the spirit manifested itself into a flaming brown paper bag filled with a stinky brown ectoplasm. Has this ever happened to anyone else?




  1. IF U ask me i would probably say s because i believe in paranormal stuffs. but in ur case i wouls say that someone is playing a joke or u've overactive imagination like me because of reading horror and ghost books or movies!

  2. no you don't have ghost it's dam neighborhood prankster's sit outside with a bb gun a few times it will solve your problem

  3. it hasn't happened to me. you do have a spirit person.

  4. You are the victim of a group of poltergeists and I would guess that they are 12.  Clean up the dog kennel and the spirits won't have any ammunition.

    Paper or plastic?

  5. Yes. It was around Halloween too.

    The great pumpkin spirit visited my home.

    It left thin strips of white ectoplasm all over in my trees and bushes.

    And then it doused my front porch and door with a hard, yellowish substance that only a razor blade and water could penetrate.

    Oh, and the horrid things it did to my jack-o-lanterns.

    But this year, I have a plan. I have a brand new flame thrower.

    Bring it on pumpkin spirit, bring it on.

  6. um I think you have some pranksters becasue that wasn't a sprirt dude if  you stomped the bag out I would wash you shoes

  7. Oh honey, that's just a ghosts way of smudging your home, much like using sage.

    You should feel so lucky those tricky little devils are watching out for you.

  8. Ahhhh - The phantom Bag Flamer !!!

    So it's struck again....Let me note it in my diary.

  9. Yes, I believe it has... The first occurrence of this flaming brown paper bag filled with a stinky brown ectoplasm can be traced back to the early 15th century. Of course, in those times everything was stinky so no one thought much of it at all.

  10. Trick-or-Treat.

  11. Yep

  12. You are joking, right?

  13. What you have there, my friend, is a bag of ghost p**p. It's one way that evil spirits like to terrorize the living. My advice is to keep it as evidence of the paranormal so that you can go to that old fraud James Randi and grab his $1 Million!  I'm sure even he can't deny the existence of p**p when it's right under his nose.  

  14. No that's never happened to me, but if you think that your house is haunted you should get a priest or hire professionals.

  15. Hey. Ghosts aren't real. I think you just have some really clever pranksters.

  16. I guess  this is another Blonde Joke!  

  17. Try placing a video camera there.  People always jump to conclusions without thinking if anything physical is causing this.

  18. my mom is all into the spiritual thing, im really not,

    i hear the knocknig sometimes, but its just my furnace.

    at my cousins house one of the bedroom doors opens and closes itself.

    so you could, or you could just be going nuts.

  19. CALL THE GHOSTBUSTERS! You have a rare Brown Slimer haunting your property! Very Dangerous! They have been known to cause egg to appear on the front windows and toilet paper to dance around the garden. Toilets have also been known to back up and become blocked in their presence!  

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