
Unexplained ufo plane crash north of kansas city?

by  |  earlier

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two of my friends said they were travelling south toward kansas city on i-35 and a huge jumbo jet-sized black plane flew right over them. it seemed to be on fire. it flew across the interstate and went behind a hill...and nothing.

no crash, no plane emerging from the other side of the hill. nothing. and there was no report of it in the newspapers or anything afterward. and i don't think there's a airport up there. this was 50 to 100 miles north of KC.

has anyone heard of anything like this? if my one friend was telling the story i would have believed it, but it was confirmed by a second friend that has never lied about junk like this and was completely flabergasted.

thanks for your input.




  1. for all things sinister go to (homepage)


    sign up and ask away in the aliens&UFO section

    i think i heard their radio station talk about a crash in Kansas but that was in the 50s.

  2. I live in KC and I've never heard of anything like that.

  3. See friend most of these kind of weird experiences are due to some mental instability prevailing in the human mind at that time. See for example new pilots experience a sort of air mirage i which they see themselves flying upside down and so on.

    Basically there are two reasons for such a phenomenon to take place

    First the pilot is under some kind of stress (any kind) and second he must be an alien freak who wants to see aliens thus during his sleep  his dream mind builds up some powerful images which get holographically projected if the intensity gets very high.


      This is my own personal thought and it is up to you to take it or not. Think it will help.

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