
Unfair Work issues at work?

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My fiance is working as an accountant in a college for seven years and she is trying to get a raise and the title that she deserves.

They hired new people to that job and they promised her that position but they lied to her.

Now she makes a job description to give it to her supervisor but this supervisor that doesnt even have a degree like my fiance, and has this position as a supervisor and she cut down what she was doing and her duties so she wont gain anything.

I would deeply appreciate your help on what to do on this, maybe find some light by law or where to seek help.

Thanks in advance




  1. Maybe she should look for work elsewhere, if she's that good!  My guess is they are trying to run her off!  A lot of times the employee has a higher thought of their work then the employer...

  2. There is nothing illegal about what they are doing. Some jobs are like that and your fiance has to decide if she wants to keep working for people who do not value her. All she can do is tell her supervisor how she feels and that she feels that she has been cheated from a position she deserves. If that does her no good then it's time to move on.  

  3. There is no law against the boss lying about a raise or a promotion  unless she has a contract.  

    The fiance can talk to HR.  


  4. I feel bad for your fiance but please keep in mind that while she may deserve a raise and a new title, she is not entitled to it. And having her degree doesn't make her better than the supervisor, just more educated.

    I would suggest talking to the supervisor's higher up and see what is going on. If nothing comes of it your fiance will need to either suck it up or consider moving on. The workforce and the economy are horrible right now so she can't expect too much.

  5. Does not sound illegal.

    They can change your job duties anytime they want.

    Unless she has a written contract for that new job, it means nothing.

    They are allowed to change their mind at any time.

    The job description is NOT for your fiance to write.  The employer writes it as they see fit.

  6. who is above the supervisor? that's who she colud speak to.

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