
Unfair treatment of juniors?

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One of my friends was banned from our club for life for swearing at the club president and caught cheating a while ago, but an adult punched my dads friend in the face twice on the course and got banned for 3 months?? anyone else think this is unfair??




  1. Doesn't sound like a club that I would want to belong to.

  2. Sounds like a real nice club people punching each other, cheating at golf and swearing at each other.  Where do I sign up?  Golf is a gentleman's game and there are generally no referees or umpires present.  You are required to be honest and have the honor to call penalties on yourself if something causes you to breach a rule.  Punching and swearing are by no means part of the game, but can be forgiven.  Cheating on the other hand is intolerable and I agree with the ban for life sentence.

  3. There is a lot more to these stories, swearing at the club president - Why?  Cheating - Why and how much?

    On the other hand you have a fight and somebody getting punched - Why and over what?

    Try and keep it civl.  Be a man.

  4. yeah..i think it really unfair.

  5. Nope. It's not what someone else did, it's what you did. Keep your nose clean and stay out of trouble, then you don't need to worry about it.

  6. kinda unfair, well i was a junior myself and the marshall keep shooing me out of practice green for the fear of me destroying the practice green lol...anyway like the guy on the top said, stay out of troubles, be patient. Golf is a gentleman game, be a gentleman.

  7. Yes. kids are treated very unfairly on the golf course. they get no respect and are even prejudiced among the golfing world. However did your father's friend press charges. If he had the guy would have been gone forever.

    I had a golf course manager try to fire me for not helping a member carry his clubs to the clubhouse. He said "if you don't change your attitude towards the members you will be fired"  I didn't even work at the course. And the manager thought I did.

    Remember that adults are very unfair to youth and expect more of them then they give themselves. The only way to get back at them is to score lower and never look back.

  8. Dude, he swore at the president. He personally offended the guy. Of course he's going to get banned for life, and rightfully so. Just because the adult should have also gotten banned for life doesn't mean your friend didn't deserve his banishment. He needs to grow up and take some responsibility for his actions.

  9. Not unfair at all, your supposed to suck up to the prsident when ever he is around.  If your cheating was messing up the course I don't blame them.  Just my opinion, I'm a junior golfer too.

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