
Unfairly discriminatory in insurance-justify pls?

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Unfairly discriminatory in insurance-justify pls?




  1. Define unfair discrimination.  What's the difference between fair discrimination, and unfair discrimination?

    In my experience, fair discrimination is when your rates are lower, and unfair discrimination is when your rates are higher.  

    It's always unfair, when it works against you, and fair when it works in your favor.

    Which is why that guy with 5 dui's pays more for his car insurance than you do.  Unless, of course, you're the guy with 5 dui's - in which case, it's not fair.

  2. Unfair discrimination in insurance is when a set of rates are not proportional to their expected claim costs and expenses.

    Suppose the expected claim costs for males is 100 and the expected claim costs for females is 50.  Then the rates for males should be about 2 times the rates for females.  If the rates were only 1.25 times, these rates would be unfairly discriminatory.

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