
Unforgiven predictions?

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Mark Henry (c) vs. Matt Hardy vs. The Miz vs. Chavo Guerrero vs. Finlay

I think this match will consist of plenty if title changes. I believe this could be the one scramble match where a dark horse emerges. So, a Miz win would not shock me. However, Ill go with Henry to retain

Cody Rhodes and Ted DiBiase vs. Cryme Tyme (JTG and Shad Gaspard)

Cody and Ted win but boy I believe this can be a long, very entertaining fued!

Triple H vs. The Brian Kendrick vs. Montel Vontavious Porter vs. Shelton Benjamin vs. Jeff Hardy, I truly believe that Big Show and Khali will play a part in this match in some capacity. I believe MVP will win this match! Yes, MVP!

Chris Jericho vs. Shawn Michaels

Match of the night by far and possibly match of the year! Something is telling me HBK still will not get the best of Jericho in this match with a win. HBK will leave Jericho really banged up but I believe Jericho will get the win thanks to Cade.

CM Punk vs. Batista vs. Kane vs. John "Bradshaw" Layfield vs. Rey Mysterio

I am a believer that this was a way to keep the strap on CM Punk even longer with him "escaping" once again with the Title. Wouldnt be shocked if Batista wins though bc Cena is out and a strong push for a top face is needed but Ill go with Punk.

Vickies peace offering WWE Title match to Taker.......

Undertaker vs. MVP

Taker wins........NEW WORLD CHAMP!




  1. ECW Scramble Match:

    Matt Hardy wins pushing the feud with him and Henry although I'd like to see Morrison v.s.Hardy. Either Hardy wins or Henry retains.

    World Tag Team Championship Match:

    Dibiase and Rhodes retain although its either gonna go with them dropping out of the match heading to the back letting Cryme Tyme win by Count Out or Dibase and Rhodes will get DQ'd

    Shawn Michaels v.s. Chris Jericho:

    Shawn Michaels wins, it should be a good match but I think Shawn Michaels will get the win and then keep on going with his career and feud with Chris Jericho.

    World Heavyweight Championship Scramble:

    CM Punk Retains, Rey will more than likely be on a limited schedule as he's still recovering and they only brought him back early since Cena got injured. I don't see Kane winning it, JBL might then go with the feud against CM Punk (JBL is very good at playing politics backstage).

    WWE Championship Scramble:

    MVP wins it, Triple H will give it up then win it back eventually, he's not leaving WWE till he beats Flairs record 16 World Title Reigns, and as for Jeff winning it, I hope he does one day, but after getting the biggest push in recent history and dropping it by failing the drug test, they're not giving him a world title anytime soon.

    Vicky Guerrero comes out and offers Taker a piece offering by giving Taker a shot at a WWE Title since he was stripped from it then "banquished" from WWE, so the night ends with Taker beating a worn down MVP and winning the WWE Championship.

    Could be a push to the main event spot for MVP if they put him in a feud with Taker, but then again it is WWE, so he might not even get his rematch clause.

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