My bff & I came from difft backgrounds. She felt I was a bar she had to measure up to.We met at the com. coll. I continued my education while she worked. I teach. She works in an office. She looked down on me like all teachers were starving. 1 day, my son asked her for $1. She said " I knew teachers were underpaid" On his b-day, she gave him a card that read "This card is much like a career in teaching, there's little money in it." Now, she now realizes I make $20,000 more than her. My son & I are living carefree and she & her child are living hand to mouth.
Yes, friends hv things in common. BUT, she did not do taxes, advanced degrees, 2 cars, vacation, buy land, remodel, become a notary, until I did.
Then, she asked "how can I get summers off w/o working with kids?" Now, she is trying to switch to teaching --THE SAME SUBJECT AS MINE! She has no methodology training & has not subbed or at least been an aide.
Should I help her after the putdowns?
Will she finally be at peace?