
Unhappy with your job, do you quit or suffer?

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I will be honest if another job came along I would grab it in 2 seconds.

I have the best location for a job (5min away) great pay, somewhat ok people I work with. I just have this horrendous vibe there. I have a feeling people are talking about me behind m back. Maybe because it's all people do there, all they do is talk behind everyone else's back. I just cannot stand it anymore.

I have never worked anywhere where people have made comments about my weight, have called my ideas juvenile, have responded rudely, have critiqued my love of wearing black all the time.

I just cannot stand it anymore I will blow up soon.

Can we find a place where people mind their own business with no comments about your physical appearance?

I dont really want to go see HR about this Ive only been working there 3 months.

I'm sad, there are no jobs available now and just the thought of another lenghty stressful job interview freaks me out. I really dont feel like going through that again





  1. No matter where one works, there is always going to be some back-stabbing and gossip.  Just ignore, and think how popular you are cuz peeps are talking about u.  cheers

  2. i don't really like my job but its only for the summer and it ends in about a month so I'm just sticking it out until then

    if you think about it time goes fast so a month will go buy in no time

    if it was longer then the summer then i would be looking for another job

    finding another job

    * look in the classifieds in the newspaper

    * visit your local career link office (if you have one)

    * try on line job searches like

    * make a list of places in your area that you would like to work and call and ask if they are hiring or going to be hiring soon

    * look for help wanted signs

    * ask around your neighbor hood if they know of anyone who is hiring

    there is going to be gossip and people being stupid no matter where you work so your just going to have to deal with that

  3. Don't give up the job until you find a new one.  My husband has been looking for a job for a long time, and it's really tough out there.

    Go to HR, even though it's only been 3 months.  Tell them that these catty people must need more work to do, since they spend so much time gossiping and acting like jerks.  

    I don't know what is wrong with people nowadays.  They should have better things to do with their time and their sad, little lives than to pick on other people.  It's like they are in kindergarden.

    Try to remember that it's just that they are insecure, pathetic little weasels who have nothing they can feel good about in themselves.  That's the type of people who do that.

    I hope things get better for you soon.

  4. You've already answered your own question:

    "I'm sad, there are no jobs available now and just the thought of another lenghty stressful job interview freaks me out. I really dont feel like going through that again"

    So you figure out how to deal with it and how to stick it out, for a little while, at least.

    What more can anyone say?

  5. I would recommend sticking in there. People who have to gossip like that are the ones with the issue. My advice is to have a chat with your Manager to let them know how you feel, you may be suprised at the support you get. Too often Managers are not aware of workplace bullying and the stress this causes and cannot do anything to support staff if they are not aware. Worst case scenario, keep an eye out for another job

  6. Even before I read more than your first sentence, my adivce was going to be "Stay there and endure until you've found another job."  It still is.  Believe me, there are MANY more congenial work environments!  In the meantime, when people make personal comments to you, you might try looking at them in slight surprise, as if you caught them chewing with their mouths open. You can also practice saying, in a pleasant and courteous tone, things like "I'm sorry you feel that way" and "I hope it doesn't bother you."  As for their rude responses, they can't respond to what you don't say.  (So another response to their little attacks is an absent minded "Mm hmm," said without looking up from your work.)  But don't resign until you have another (better if possible) job to go to.

  7. then test out some other jobs for a while that are kind of similar and if you like them quit your present job and move on. But if that job is all you have then stay in it because you dont wanna be broke.

  8. Like me i have to suffer especially with the economy and im young so its even harder. My advice to you is just stick it out but while ur at this job look for another one. Look for something u will find enjoyable..Put enough time and effort in it and something better might come...But ppl will always talk

  9. I'd suffer through it.  This is not the time to be quitting a job based on a "bad vibe."  Focus on the positives: great pay and it's close.  Those kind of jobs don't come around often.

    Do you have a cubicle?  If so I would encourage you to make that space as comfortable and homey as possible.  Put up pictures of family and friends.  You would be amazed at how that can lift up your spirits.  Good luck.

  10. a few things

    find out an evening course where u can expand or develop skills and do that, you may develop contacts outside your work which may help you to a better job!

    look discreetly for a better position - and if you are studying that will help your case.

    think about why your co workers are dismissing your ideas - which may help your understanding of human nature.

    if things r still the same in three months go to HR, say I am studying(....)and what opportunities could you suggest within the organisation because I am getting to the stage of having learnt all I can where I am and the culture of rudeness is getting to my level of productivity.You therefore present yourself as someone who takes responsibility for her future but is capable of overcoming a difficult situation.

    Good luck


  11. sorry but your not going to find a job where people don't talk... unless you work a booth alone!  

    I think yo ushould just stick up for yourself!  and stick with what you need most right now...

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