
Unicorn's. Are they real?

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Are unicorns real? My friends say they aren't. But my cousins have been very convincing. They have footage on youtube of unicorns and they look really real. But could someone give me the real facts?




  1. Unicorns are kick ***!

  2. No they aren't real. Maybe in your cousin's dreams they are.

  3. I don't think they are real but you never know. Recently there was a one horned deer found (a unicorne deer).

  4. Stop wondering stupid stuff.

    It's not real.

    Unicorns are NOT real.

    & Santa aint eating your cookies.



  5. That's all on what you want to believe. No one really knows, but I'd, myself, have to say no.

    It's the same idea as vampires or mermaids being real.

    I've seen some convincing stuff on mermaids, but I don't believe in them, as much as I'd like to.

  6. honestly and sincerely, this isn't even supposed to be motivational, anything, at all, is possible until you've been proven it isn't.

    until someone has some sort of solid fact that could prove unicorns don't exist, they do. and it all depends on if you belive, because if somebody doesn't believe, they can say that until you can prove unicorns do exist, they dont.

    I believe that anything is possible, for all the scary monsters and creepy things that go bump in the night, remember there is something good and beautiful out there for each of those.

  7. I believe that Unicorns were once real creatures but were exaggerated like dragons. They may be wiped out now or they may still dwell in forests somewhere- they are elusive creatures, who knows? I have had enough experiences with things that people don't believe are real, to have some belief in everything- there are so many possibilities in life, anything really is possible if you believe. Ive seen a mermaid, ive felt the spirits of Dragons and Fae (fairies) ive been visited by elemental apparitions such as Gnomes, Undines, Sylphs and Salamanders and have personal relationships with deities and Goddesses. Its a beautiful world out there with beautiful possibilities- you just have to open your mind :)

    *Blessed Be*

  8. There was a time and place when Unicorns roamed the earth and there was a time when they were a prized animal to have... Then their beauty started meaning less and the size of their horns started taking on a different meaning and the horse flesh lost its value and possessing the horn meant everything ... So soon  after that they were hunted into extinction and man-kind started killing each other over their horns and they started hiding their horn and not telling anyone where then hid their horn and the rest is history..............

  9. yes they are, because i am a unicorn, i am magical with mysterious powers, i can fly, and do anything impossible, such as writing this i would need fingers, but i am a unicorn i do not need such things.

  10. The videos on u tube are horses with prostects places on them. Robert Vavra has a book on unicorns and the photos are realistic...So are the unicorn in the movie Legend..Those unicorns are not real.

    But if you look at history. There are so many cultures who have old stories about unicorns. Not all of them look like the main stream European unicorn. They all have differences...

    If they are real or not is up to you...All I can tell you is to look into your own heart and ask if they are real or not.  Then make your decision.

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