
Unified gravity claimed by Tesler? i know that in the year of his death the U.S.supreme court decided he?

by Guest33320  |  earlier

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he did indeed have the first patent on the radio, i know he worked with Edison,Westinghouse, made the first remote control,...,..., he also said Einstein's theory was incorrect (not a popular veiw) but it is his claim to have the unified i am interested in.




  1. I think you mean Tesla.

    Try the link:

    : )

  2. N. Tesla was best known for introducing 3-phase alternating current electric power, to the disgust of Edison who was a DC man.    

    He was also an early worker in radio, and may, just may have preceded people like Lodge, Braun, the Royal Navy, Popov and Marconi in exploiting the discoveries of Heinrich Hertz.  

    Later he was involved in wild schemes to broadcast electricity around the planet.  These of course could not have been paid for even it they had worked to a worthwhile extent and in any case would have made large metal objects hazardous to touch.  

    What the US Supreme Court decided is of no consequence to history.  Virtually none of the standard histories of radio and wireless telegraphy, even those written in the 1890s mention Tesla at all.  And I've read some of them.

    By about 1895 there were at least three or four working radio systems with more coming along every few weeks.  Marconi was a bit of late starter but it was his that had the useful range.  A lot of the others could not get a signal out of a back yard.  

    By the early 20th century Tesla  had run out of steam.  He was then known to be what Australians used to call a "gunner".  "I'm gunner do this and I'm gunner do that."  But he didn't do any of it, or very little.

    As for his opinion of Einstein, it's probable that Tesla believed in the ether, which was supposed to carry electromagnetic radiation in a similar was to air carrying sound.  This was shown by the Michelson - Morley experiment not to exist.  

    Einstein's theory depended to a some extent on the fact that the ether did not exist.  You may not know this, but Einstein's father built and sold electric motors and generators, so Einstein knew all about that stuff.

    As for a unified theory, first I've heard of it.  Tesla has some supporters today, and if you look at a lot of the stuff they write  you might think some of them were just plain nuts.

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